When any person or business tells you they’ll give you cash for pretty much doing nothing at all, you know you’re onto a scam. What’s more, if you’re told you’ll be paid cash while the business does you a favour, alarm bells start ringing in a big way. As such, if we or anyone else were to tell you that we’ll take away your old scrap vehicle free of charge and actually give you some money for the thing, chances are you’d think we were having you on.

You’d think so, but you’d be wrong – scrapping a car for cash is the real deal.   scrap-cars-for-cash–what-is-the-catch

What’s In It for Me?

Right now, there are loads of dealers up and down the UK that make a trade in offering everyday motorists cash for cars that are clapped out and of no use to anyone. If you’ve ever been through the process of trying to sell or unload a rust-bucket before, chances are you’ll know it’s about a billion times harder than you ever thought it’s going to be.

Selling can be a nightmare. Unless the car’s in good condition…in which case we’re talking another subject entirely…you’ve got to try and get the thing sold by listing it, winning over a buyer and somehow getting it to their chosen delivery location. Not easy when you’re talking about a car that’s falling apart at the seams, which when added to the fact that listing a car pretty much anywhere is going to cost you money adds up to a pretty painful process on the whole.

The alternative it to make use of a reputable scrap car for cash scheme, which means cash in your pocket for no effort at all. Long story short, the benefits for the owner of the car come in the form of simplicity and swiftness – a single phone-call or web form is all it takes to set the wheels in motion. The service you choose will then give you a fair price quote for the car, come and collect it from its current resting place and even help sort out all the paperwork to make sure the DVLA doesn’t throw a tantrum.

So technically, you get paid for someone else doing the hard work for you – it really does sound too good to be true, but it’s real!

What’s in It for You?

Of course it’s not a charity effort that’s being run and nor is it a case of the UK’s car yard owners losing their collective minds. Instead, dealing in scrap cars for cash is an essential part of the nation’s recycling efforts, which when implemented and followed correctly are beneficial for everyone. The call for scrap steel has never been higher as every last shred of it is melted down and reused. As such, once the scrap dealer has gone through the painstaking process of stripping, crushing and prepping the car, they’re then able to sell-on the steel to a freckling plant.

They get paid, you get paid and Mother Nature breathes a big sigh of relief – everybody wins!