Car scrapping – is it really possible to get it wrong? After all, you’re technically doing what most would consider a glorified way of throwing it in the bin, so how many mistakes could you possibly make in the process?

Well, the answer is in fact just one mistake, but it’s a biggie. The only decision you have to make when looking to scrap a car is who you will get in touch with to make the job happen. Other than this it’s totally out of your hands, which in turn means that if you make the right decision, it’s easy as pie. Get it wrong though and…well, there are more than a few stings in the tail that’ll have you wishing you never bothered.   scrap-sensibly-or-suffer-the-sting

The Right Price

First and foremost, there are essentially three different ways your scrapping endeavour can go in a monetary sense. You can get paid the best possible price for your car, you can accept the first offer that comes along or you can end up totally out of pocket on the thing.

Now, typically speaking scrapping services always made you pay for having the car taken away and scrapped – hardly fair but the standard way of doing things nonetheless. And that’s exactly why some folks will still accept this way of doing business today, despite the fact that it’s as dated and redundant as the dinosaurs. As cars are sorted and recycled from front to back, it should never come down to the car’s owner to pay for the service. Instead, you should expect to be paid a fair price for the car in accordance with its type, size, condition and so on.

In terms of getting the right price, the last thing you want is to let your car go and then find out a few weeks later that you could have got an extra couple of hundred quid for it. To some this isn’t a fortune, but to about 99% of the population it’s the kind of money that you’ll be kicking yourself over for years. So before accepting any offer for your car, you need to make sure it’s the best price and a guaranteed best price at that!

All Boxes Ticked

Perhaps even more important than ensuring the right price however is ensuring that all boxes are ticked and bases covered from the admin side of things. Chances are you probably know by now that when it comes to selling, buying or really doing anything with a car at all, the DVLA has to be informed. And what’s more, you might also know how easy it can be to sign in the wrong place, miss out the odd word or forget to send something altogether.

Do this when scrapping a car and your reminder will come in the form of a nice big fine that you have to pay – even if you were told by the scrapping service that it was all done and dusted. Making the right choice means choosing a service that covers everything that’s needed across the board and has the track record to prove it.