Selling a car is all about getting as much money as you can for it…there aren’t many good Samaritans that would argue with that. However, when you’ve found yourself lumped with a car that’s starting to be about as much use as an overgrown paperweight, you might find that selling it becomes a chore to say the least. Try long and hard enough and you might just manage to fool someone into taking it off your hands for a price, but ask yourself – should you really be doing this?

After all, you don’t consider the car road-worthy or of any real value anymore, so why pawn it off on some other poor unsuspecting soul?     moral-arguments-for-responsible-car-scrapping

Taking the monetary matters out of the picture for a moment, here’s a quick look at a few moral reasons why responsible car scrapping can be a superior choice:

It Might be a Death Trap

First and foremost, do you really like the idea of some other family perhaps with young children speeding down a busy motorway in a car that you yourself have deemed unsafe and unfit for purpose? If the time comes when you’re far from happy to let your own family and kids use the car, there’s really no excuse for allowing another family to put their safety on the line. Sure, you might not be legally responsible for what happens and you might never find out about it, but if you’ve got a conscience you might just find it keeping you awake at night…or you should!

It Might Be a Public Health Hazard

And it’s not just about the health and safety of the new owners either – what about every other road user and innocent bystander? If you know your car is falling to pieces and yet still sell it on without warning the buyer, you’re sort of responsible if and when it goes careering off the road and ploughs into a crowd of onlookers. Not that this is likely to happen, but if it does, you’ll be more than a little troubled by the consequences of your actions.

Care for the Air

Then comes the not insignificant matter of air quality…or the distinct lack thereof, as the case may be. Older cars are notorious for putting out all manner of noxious fumes and gases – despite having somehow managed to pass their MOT just a few weeks or months prior. The simple truth is you’re not doing the UK’s already growing pollution problem any favours by allowing your old rust bucket to carry on churning out such poisons.

Your Country Needs You!

Last but not least, the UK’s need for scrap steel is enormous and constant. The more steel that goes back into the system, the cheaper steel becomes and the lower the carbon emissions produced by manufacturing industries. It’s for reasons such as these that we reward responsible recycling with the best possible cash price for your car – and that means any car in any condition at all. If it once had wheels and was at least supposed to be used for transportation, we’d love to take it off your hands and give you a tidy cash sum as a thank you!