Recycled steel really hasn’t been around for all that long…at least not in the grand scheme of things anyway. It’s no secret that we all come from a past where it was the done-thing to throw away anything and everything that seemed to have run its course, as it really wasn’t until very recently that cutting-edge recycling made it possible to cut waste.

And so, here we are in the 21st century and we all know we can and should recycle everything. Most do their bit, but chances are the majority could also do a fair bit more. One of the best ways possible of putting something back into the system is with our car scrapping service – we make sure every last shred of reusable material gets put to good use.     recycled-steel–you-cannot-imagine-how-important-it-is

But ask yourself – have you ever wondered just how important steel recycling is to the world?

The answer…very!

Massive Energy and Resource Savings

Just to put it into perspective for you, chances are you know that the steel production industry isn’t 100% environmentally friendly. Well here’s the thing, for every single ton of recycled steel that’s produced…as opposed to first-run steel…the industry saves no less than:

  • 642 kWh of electricity
  • 4 cubic yards of landfill space
  • 2,500 pounds of iron ore
  • 76 gallons of oil
  • 10.9 million Btu’s of energy
  • 4 cubic yards of landfill space
  • 2,500 pounds of iron ore

And that’s just from a single ton of steel – now think about the thousands and thousands of tons of the stuff being recycled every day and you should start to get an idea as to how crucial the recycling system is!

A Century On the Pile

Plonk a dead car on the traditional scrap heap and what happens is…well, nothing really. Sure, it’ll rust and fall to bits, but it will take no less than 100 years for the car to break down. Recycling also takes time, but in the course of a century a car could be used, recycled and made into a new car again at least ten times! So really, why let it go to waste?

Recycled Steel is Better!

The properties of recycled steel are the same as those of new steel, so how is it better? We’ll tell you because not only is it more efficient to make…see above…but it’s also cheaper. Cheaper steel means cheaper steel products of all shapes and sizes, which benefits pretty much everyone in the long-run.

Every Little Helps

And along with your car, there’s also no excuse for not doing your bit here and there in other areas when and where you can. Over in the US for example, over 650 food tins are recycled every second…that’s a lot of cheap new steel to play with!

It Just Makes Sense

Last but not least, when you consider the fact that we come to you, we take your car, we sort out the paperwork and we then pay YOU for your trouble, why would you do anything else but recycle it?