Car recycling is a principle that for most seemed to come out of nowhere and suddenly became the biggest and most important thing ever. The reason being that in decades gone by, it was all just a case of taking your old car down to the scrap yard and that was that – what happened next wasn’t your concern or your business. These days though, not only is it important to know that your car has been disposed of properly, it’s also in your best interests to do it in the right way to avoid DVLA fines and general tickings-off.

With new EU targets to gun for, the UK’s recycling industries really do have their work cut out right now. Here at Take My Scrap Car however, we’ve been striving for the highest scrapping and recycling standards ever since going into business in the first place, which has allowed us to stay one step ahead of the curve in every respect.   recycle-your-car-with-us–nothing-goes-to-waste

Quite simply, we don’t allow anything from the bonnet to boot of your car to go to waste if there’s something good we can do with it. And it’s not just about scrapping the metal shell either, as you might be surprised to learn that there’s barely anything found in or on any car that cannot be recycled or reused in one way or another.


For example, the oil in your car can and should be recycled as to throw it away in the normal manner means delivering a dangerous dose of pollution to the country’s water supply. We make sure your oil gets a second life as something else, or is at least disposed of responsibly.


You might not know this, but the plastic shell of your car’s battery could have a second life as a plant pot. And if that wasn’t impressive enough, even the acid inside the thing can be recycled and reused. The days of chucking batteries in the bin are over…or at least they should be!


Among the more obviously recyclable bits and pieces of a car, tyres can be put back into use in dozens of different ways. They can be made into toys for dogs, transformed into rubberised safety coatings for surfaces or perhaps made back into new tyres once again. To let any tyres go to waste really is a tragedy.

Spare Parts

We of course cannot go into full detail with all the spare parts across your car that can be reused right away, though suffice to say there are hundreds of them. From the wing-mirrors to certain bits of wiring to windows and so on and so forth, if the car you’re scrapping is a popular model with plenty of siblings still on the roads, there’s really no sense in throwing all those much-needed spare parts away.

All of the above really just scratches the surface when it comes to the potential for all or most of your car to be given a new lease of life as something else. Bring your old car to us and we’ll give you our guarantee that nothing will go to waste – it’s what we are and what we live for!