If you’re familiar with Take My Scrap Car, then chances are you’ll know by now that we take a huge and keen interest in all areas of car scrapping and recycling in general. What’s more, we also can’t help but offer a well-deserved tip of the hat to anyone that takes old cars or parts thereof and makes nice and shiny new things out of them. From bikes to solar-powered cars and all manner of decorative bits and pieces for homes, we’ve seen it all over recent years.

Or at least, we thought we had…

Chances are it’s safe to say that it was and is every young boy’s dream to build yourself your very own life-size Transformers replica the likes of which looks about as brilliant as it gets. It’s the kind of dream that tends to come true for about…well, no people at all in the real world, but one plucky father-son team from China decided to make good on their shared dreams.  chinese-father-and-son-duo-transform-scrap-cars-into-transformers

Long story short, Yu Zhilin and his son Yu Lingyun who come from humble farming backgrounds have spent a hell of a lot of time as of late sourcing and recycling scrap car parts in order to put together the quite incredible Transformers replicas you see here. Built to full scale and with no attention to detail spared, the pair recently sold their first batch of homemade Transformers replicas for no less than $160,000 and are understandably working frantically on the next batch.

Suffice to say, this isn’t the kind of spare change you come up with as a peasant farmer.

Since word got out about what the pair are capable of, images and videos of the finished products have gone well and truly viral on a global basis. As such, it’s likely that the next army of replicas they come up with will fetch a vastly higher price than the first. And while this isn’t the first time we’ve seen these kinds of robots being built by DIY types, they’re quite simply the most impressive to date.

This is exactly the kind of thing the world could do with seeing more of as while it’s probably safe to say that there are more ‘practical’ uses for scrap steel, it’s still a million times better than letting the stuff slowly rot on a pile for the next thousand years. And what’s more, it’s also better than sourcing newly-made steel for these kinds of projects when all the bits and pieces needed to bring them to life are ready and waiting in scrap steel stockpiles.

So, once again, it’s a well-deserved salute to both Yu Zhilin and his son Yu Lingyun for showing the world that not only has scrap steel not met the end of its life, but that it can easily be transformed into something a million times cooler than it was in the first place!

We can’t help you build your own transformers, but we can certainly offer you the best car recycling service in the UK and promise you won’t be left out of pocket for coming to us!