Chances are that if you know Take My Scrap Car, you’ll know that we’re all about taking a whole load of nothing and making it back into something useful. That’s technically what recycling is all about, which is why we scour the deepest and darkest corners of Norfolk to find any cars that have served their time on the roads and are just about ready for a new life as new steel.

That being said, we really have to admit that sometimes we’re more than a little outdone when it comes to what other folk are doing with scrap cars and parts. Chances are you’ll have seen or at least heard about the new Mad Max: Fury Road movie that’s tearing up the box office right now, which along with delivering a hell of a thrill ride also shows pretty well what can be done with a bunch of scrap cars and a fair bit of imagination.    mad-max-sets-a-surprisingly-good-example-sort-of

Unsurprisingly, the new Mad Max reboot features more than a few vehicles…dozens of them in fact. And what’s also less-than shocking is how these vehicles are essentially bulletproof weapons on wheels more than they are modes of transport. But what might come as a surprise to some is the fact that the overwhelming majority of what was built and used for the movie came not from any kind of special effects factory, but from the scrapyard.

Technically it makes sense, as in this kind of movie the only cars and vehicles able to withstand the punishment are those with no computers, no high-tech entertainment systems and no real garnish at all. In addition, while there’s a place for carbon fibre and revolutionary ultra-light materials for auto-manufacture, this was more the kind of movie where heavy steel and ruggedness did the talking. As such, it was something of a no-brainer to source what was needed from what wasn’t being put to good use and hey-presto – a surprisingly eco-friendly post-apocalyptic movie!

Admittedly, this is all a fair bit more glamorous than what we personally do as far as car scrapping goes, but what we do is almost more likely to help the good people of the UK. Not only are we out to rid the roads of dangerous old cars that may indeed be better suited to a Mad Max film set, but we’re also helping the UK do its bit for the environment. What’s more, recycled steel keeps production costs low, which means we’re also helping make life that little bit cheaper for everyone.

And if all that wasn’t enough, we’ll come to you no matter where you are, we’ll take your car off your hands free of charge and we’ll leave you with a little something for your trouble. On the whole, we promise that you will not find a better deal anywhere in Norfolk or across the UK as a whole for your old scrap car…unless of course it lands a part in the next Mad Max movie, which isn’t likely!