Here at Take My Scrap Car, we’re often asked about how it is a driver can draw the line between a car that’s a bit on the worn side and a car that’s well and truly ready for recycling. The answer? Well, it’s a bit of a tricky one in some instances because not all cars will give you the same warning signs of what’s to come. Just as some great-looking cars are really way better off headed for recycling, other older cars have plenty of life left in them yet.     four-clear-signs-your-car-is-ready-for-recycling

In terms of how you can know where you own car stands, there’s much to be said for the common sense that comes into the equation but there are also certain signs to be on the lookout for. So if you find yourself ticking any of the following boxes, it might be time to get in touch with us and see what we can do for you:

1 – Repair Costs Are Overtaking its Value

First of all, if it’s gotten to the point that it’s costing more to keep fixing your car than it is actually worth…well, the logic that’s absent from this particular habit really doesn’t need explaining. It’s the kind of day to day reality so many car owners in the UK face. They keep pumping vast sums of money into cars that are really fit for nothing but recycling. So if you’re throwing away money on nothing of value at all, why not recycle and use the money for something more useful – like a better car!

2 – You’re Nervous to Drive it Long Distances

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re putting off long journeys simply because you aren’t confident your car will make it, this really isn’t a sustainable way of owning a vehicle. You may have a strong bond with the car…Lord knows plenty of folk do…but when it’s getting to the point where you’re actually avoiding using it in order to make sure it doesn’t let you down, it’s almost pointless having it at all. Again, you’d be much better recycling it and putting the payment you’ll receive towards a newer car.

3 – You Wouldn’t Let Your Kids Drive It

There are so many car owners across the country who drive around in vehicles they openly admit they would not let their own kids anywhere near. It might be dangerous, it might be unreliable or it might just be an unmitigated nightmare – in any and all cases this represents a pretty strong warning sign that your car shouldn’t be out on the roads anymore with anyone driving it.

4 – It’s a Battle to Pass Each MOT Day

Last but not least, if it’s gotten to the point where it’s largely impossible to get the thing through its MOT without carrying out major repairs and patch-ups every time, you’re really only delaying the inevitable. So rather than throwing more money down the drain on a car that’s just bleeding you dry, consider doing the right thing with a professional recycling service.

Give the Take My Scrap Car team a call for more information.