There are various ways and means by which companies like ours can get their names in lights and become the talk of the town. Nevertheless, there’s a scrap metal company in Taronis, Aston that hit the headlines recently for reasons really none of us could see coming. It’s not normally the kind of headline news you expect to come out of the car scrapping and recycling industry, but as far as these guys are concerned, this might just be the most haunted scrap metal yard in the country.    rust-in-peace-not-at-this-apparently-haunted-scrap-yard

Various sketchy reports from months and years gone by have brought to light a fair few apparently creepy incidents around the place. However, it wasn’t until a few promotional photos were being taken that even those that had previously been sceptical to the whole idea found themselves rethinking things. As you can see here – or at least as they tell us we can see here – there appears to be a rather spooky image of a ghostly face peering ominously out of the window of a building where spare car parts are kept. And while it’s of course being written off as a whole load of nothing by the country’s more sceptical community, the five individuals that work on the site freely admit to being scared witless every time they have to go in the place.

From inexplicably cold temperatures to documents flying all over the place to all manner of weird noises and so on and so forth, all five of them now seem to firmly believe that there is at least one spirit hanging around the place that refuses to ‘rust’ in peace…you can thank the Daily Mirror for that terrible pun.

And it isn’t just the fluttering of papers here and there that has these guys spooked as they apparently arrived to work pretty recently to find half the place was flooded as a result of a toilet being pretty much smashed to pieces. Again, sceptics brushed this all to one side and insisted it was a simple act of vandalism, but there was absolutely no sign of forced entry and nor were any of the alarms triggered. So while they admit it isn’t usually the kind of thing they’d give so much as a second thought to, they’ve ended up buying into the whole thing so intently that they’re considering bringing in a psychic medium for answers…and hopefully to get rid of the darn thing.

They’re also adamant that it’s not only the five resident members of staff who have experienced the odd supernatural experiences around the place. Speaking to reporters from the local press, the site’s manager said that a customer had recently gone into the apparently haunted building and come out looking as white as a ghost himself having claimed to have seen something emerging from one of the walls. This was before the image you see here was taken and things have apparently been getting even more sinister ever since.

Needless to say, we’re still well and truly on the fence about the whole thing as there’s no denying it’s a pretty effective way of hitting the headlines, regardless of how much truth is in its. We’re happy to report however that Take My Scrap Car is in no way affected by ghosts or spirits of a malevolent nature…and we’d like to keep it that way!