With such an extraordinary array of vehicle buying services up and running these days, it can be difficult to know where to start. You have a car you desperately want to get rid of, there are literally thousands of businesses interested in taking it off your hands and of course, every single one of them claims to be pushing the very best offer.

Which of course isn’t the case – it’s inevitable that along with a great many excellent service providers of high repute, there will also be just as many that aren’t quite up to par. Not only this, but wherever there is a way of making money while at the same time flouting the rules…well, you better believe there will be plenty of shady operators out to do exactly that.

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So with this in mind, here’s a quick overview of a few pointers from Take My Scrap Car on how to spot and avoid car scrapping and recycling scams:

1 – No Business Address

First and foremost, if the business itself does not have a registered address and associated contact details, chances are it isn’t a business at all! One of the first things you should be looking to check therefore is the firm’s contact details, in order to work out whether it is in fact a registered business or some lone-operator out to make money at your expense.

2 – No Details of Recycling Policy

You should also take the time to look into whether or not there is any kind of information listed with regard to their recycling policy. These days, every operator working legally in this particular industry must follow incredibly strict rules, regulations and guidelines when it comes to the way in which the cars they take are processed, scraps and recycled. This kind of information should be disclosed in full and discussed openly – anything else should be treated with extreme suspicion.

3 – Cash in Hand Payments

Just as is the case in all areas of business, cash in hand payments are a big no-no. On the part of the business, dealing cash in hand with no receipts means having no evidence whatsoever of payments in or out, which immediately smacks of tax evasion and illegal dealings.

4 – No Paperwork or Receipts

In the same vein, it is also a legal requirement in this industry that all scrapping and recycling services provide and retain essential paperwork and documentation of every vehicle taken. This is something that should be provided a standard and certainly not something that you should have to ask for. No paperwork, no deal – it really is as simple as that.

5 – You’re Expected to Pay

Never, under any circumstances work with a service provider which in any way expects you to pay for any part of the service package whatsoever. Whether it’s traveling to your location, taking your car away, administrative charges or anything else across the board, if it isn’t quite literally 100% free from start to finish, it’s a deal you really shouldn’t even be considering.

6 – You’re Offered No Payment

Last but not least, exactly the same applies to payments as while it is unlikely you are going to be paid a small fortune for your scrap car, it still has scrap value and therefore should not be given away for free. There are so many established businesses these days that market themselves primarily on the fact that they are happy to take your car off your hands free of charge. Nevertheless, this isn’t exactly a fair deal when you consider the fact that if you were to come to Take My Scrap Car, we absolutely guarantee the best possible price in accordance with scrap values at the time.

It’s your choice, but the best deals can always be found with Take My Scrap Car – and that’s a promise!