There’s nothing like a run-in with the grim reaper to remind you just how lucky you are to be alive! Suffice to say, the poor chap in this particular truck on this particular day certainly had his lucky stars shining brightly – the fact that he walked away without any serious injuries is nothing short of a miracle!

Seriously – how he didn’t end up roadkill is just impossible to fathom!


If the story somehow passed you by, feel free to check out the full video on YouTube by clicking here.

The short story being that a truck driver who was transporting scrap metal over the Tappan Zee Bridge on Friday very nearly met his maker. And he wasn’t the only one either, as a whole incident was captured on the dash-cam of a driver right behind the truck, who also managed to walk away from the incident without so much as a scratch.

The truck toppled over, debris was blasted all over the bridge and the resulting cleanup effort took well over 4 hours. Nevertheless, given how much worse it could have been, a temporary bridge closure was not exactly a bad outcome. The resulting investigation found that a mechanical problem had caused the truck to topple over, meaning that the driver escaped with both his physical health and his reputation intact!

“My husband experienced this horrible accident on Tappan Zee Bridge,” wrote YouTube user Hypotenuse.

“His dash-cam recorded the scary moment. The rear wheels and axle hit his car before rolling forward.”

“He is fine and is cool as always.”

Good to know!

Safe and Sensible Car Recycling

Here at Take My Scrap, our commitment to safe and sensible car recycling is total. The way we see it, there’s still a long way to go before the United Kingdom as a whole wakes up to the importance of responsible recycling. Given the fact that up to one million cars are permanently taken off British roads every year…well, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that they really should be put to the best possible use. Somewhere in the region of 80% of everything that goes into a car can be recycled – it’s simply a case of passing it on to those who know exactly what to do with it!

We believe that by making recycling as simple and rewarding as possible, more UK drivers will be encouraged to do the right thing. We can’t promise to make car scrapping and recycling exciting, but we can at least make it considerably less painful than it often is. Unlike many of our rivals, we will come to you no matter where you are located, take your car away 100% free of charge, help sort out all the administrative stuff and leave you with a fair price in accordance with the value of scrap metal at the time.

So if the time has come to say goodbye to your old car and you prefer to get the job done properly, get in touch with the Take My Scrap team today and we’ll help get you sorted!