We’d be happy to go on record with the claim that since going into business, we’ve probably seen scrap metal turned into more weird and wonderful objects than most people. From furniture to fine art to ornaments to new cars, it seems there’s almost nothing the world’s more creative and proactive types cannot do with a shedload of scrap parts.

But just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone like Felix Kambwiri comes along and shows you just how wrong you are. After all, even we couldn’t have predicted that anyone would seriously be willing or able to create a helicopter using scrap car parts.

You read that right – a helicopter!

The 45-year-old welder from Doha admitted that when he first began his extraordinarily ambitious project, most people wrote him of as mad.

“I remember when I started building it people called me so many names. They thought I was mad but I never gave up because I had a dream and my only goal was making the dream come true. I am currently raising K360, 000 ($500) to buy a 175 CC engine to finish the helicopter so that it can take off,” said Kambwiri.

A married man with no less than seven children, Kambwiri has always been interested in the idea of flight, though realised that the only realistic way he would ever own his own aircraft would be to build one himself. Which he did – and you can see the fruits of his labour in the image above. It may not be the prettiest aeronautical creation ever conceived, but when you consider the fact that every single part of it was put together using scrap car parts…well, how many people in the world could accomplish anything even remotely as impressive?

Certainly not us – that’s for sure!

Industry-Leading Car Scrapping and Recycling
Here at Take My Scrap, we’d never attempt to make the claim that what we do is nearly as impressive or creative as building helicopters from junk. Nevertheless, we’re proud to say that what we do really is of the utmost importance.

With literally thousands of cars leaving UK roads permanently every week, it’s of crucial importance to ensure that these enormously valuable resources do not go to waste. The way we see it, allowing scrap cars to rot away silently for all eternity on heaps up and down the country is nothing short of a tragedy. Almost everything used in the vehicle manufacturing process can be recycled and processed into raw materials that are just as strong, durable, reliable and versatile as brand new materials. The only difference being that they are cheaper, easy to produce and more environmentally friendly!

Which is why we’d love to hear from you if you have an old car that is cramping your style and needs to be disposed of. We guarantee not only the most responsible scrapping and recycling process on the market, but also the best possible deal for your scrap car and 100% free collection – night or day.

Get in touch with the Take My Scrap team today for more information.