Here at Take My Scrap Car, we often get the question of what the deal is with selecting a car recycling provider. After all, they basically all claim to collect your vehicle upon request and recycle it, so why is it so important who you choose? 

Well, more often than not, the most important factors for clients are time, effort and money. But at the same time, it is also worth remembering that there is a quite important element to the recycling process – the actual recycling itself.

After all, it is one thing to get rid of your car and to receive a decent price for it, but don’t you need to also do what is right for the environment?

Of course, you need to, which is why it is important to be aware just what is what when it comes to the process your vehicle goes through.

Strict EU Regulations
The thing is, the United Kingdom is not just bound by a bunch of wonderful and weird laws cooked up by the government. Well, it is actually, but at the same time there are so many additional regulations on what we do and how we should do it by the EU. It is the EU regulations that have led to pretty much banning diesel cars from the roads and it is EU standards that say what should happen to each car that is taken off the streets and sent off for recycling.

Suffice to say, the rules are as intricate and demanding as they are abundant.

There is really no point going into the fine details of every specific area, though suffice to say that when it comes to vehicle recycling, the EU does not want to see even a shred go to waste, and not would they allow it. If you are not playing by the rules of the EU, you are technically breaking the law.

Not that it is easy to stick to the rules, but we have no option…that is the way the world works!

No Waste!
The EU does not want to see anything whatsoever go to waste, which is the reason why vehicle recycling firms in business have their work cut out. From the vehicle’s metal shell to the glass from the windows and all other little bits and pieces, it is no longer just a case of removing the good stuff and dumping the rest to rot. It is a long and pain-staking process that some cannot do and others don’t want to.

Take My Scrap Car will always work in line with every regulation in the book to make sure we offer a great service not only to our clients, but for the UK’s recycling efforts as a whole!