It’s no secret that when a car makes its way off for recycling, the vast majority of metallic components are melted down and made into something else. But what comparatively few realise is just how much life there is left in so many other bits and pieces that go into the average car. In fact, point to any piece of a scrap car and there’s a 95% chance it could be salvaged in one way or another.

Don’t believe us? 

Check out the following seven examples and you might:

Engine Oil:
Believe it or not, motor oil never wears out…ever. It might get dirty to the point that it’s no longer good for your engine, but this doesn’t mean that it cannot be cleaned and reused. And that’s exactly why it should be disposed of responsibly.

The amount of glass that makes its way through car recycling plants on an annual basis is nothing short of staggering. Almost every shred of glass a scrap car contains can be made into anything from glass bottles to concrete blocks.

Not only can the acid within car batteries be recycled, but even the plastic casing itself is often reused. Interesting fact – one of the most common uses for this type of recycled plastic is in the manufacture of plant pots!

Water Pumps:
Water pumps are often some of the easiest of all essential car parts to remanufacture and reuse. Some are put straight back into use in other vehicles, others are repurposed for all manner of weird and wonderful applications.

Allowing tyres to go to waste is nothing short of a tragedy, given the countless applications worn-out tyres can be used for. Along with being recycled back into the production of new tyres, worn-out tyres can also be used to manufacture anything from protective surfaces for children’s playgrounds right through to heavy-duty dog toys.

Carpets and Mats:
The fact that carpets and mats are not usually biodegradable is problematic. It’s also problematic that millions of tons of them find their way into a landfill sites every year. Which is a shame, given the way in which a little creativity and effort can see mats and carpets recycled and reused in various ways.

Alternators and starters:
Last up, alternators and starters are quite frequently remanufactured, given the way in which they tend to be rather on the expensive side to buy brand-new. It’s always worth remembering that if you do find yourself in need of an important car component and would rather not pay over the odds, there are usually plenty of remanufactured examples out there at much lower prices.

The way we see it, the only thing better than recycling is to reuse anything and everything that still has at least some life in it.

For more information on responsible car scrapping and recycling, get in touch with the Take My Scrap Car team today.