It’s no secret that air pollution levels in the United Kingdom are pretty much as bad as they have ever been. It’s also no secret that the government is frantically trying to pinpoint and implement measures to bring things under control. Taking diesel cars and older cars off the streets, implementing congestion charges and generally motivating the public to take better control of their everyday habits in general.

 As things stand, the UK’s air pollution levels are dangerous and considered unacceptable. Nevertheless, the UK is still performing considerably better than many other European nations. According to the results of a new study carried out by The Eco Experts, the United Kingdom actually comes in at 18th position out of the 25 countries included in the air pollution study.

The question being – which European countries currently have the worst air pollution levels?

Taking the top spot for all the wrong reasons, the Czech Republic was found to have the worst air pollution levels in Europe. At least somewhat ironic, given the fact that the Czech Republic is also the home of Skoda – one of the most respected and celebrated vehicle manufacturers in the world. In terms of vehicles on the road, the average car in the Czech Republic is aged approximately 14.5 years old – British cars averaging a more youthful eight years.

The second worst offender in the list was found to be Poland, while the bronze medal position (if you can call it that) went to Estonia. The United Kingdom may not be performing particularly spectacularly, but nonetheless outperformed a number of countries including Spain, Austria, Italy, Belgium, France and even Germany.

Of course, it came as absolutely no surprise to learn that Sweden had the lowest levels of ambient air pollution in Europe, with the Republic of Ireland coming in at second place on the more positive end of the scale.

“Road transport is one of the biggest sources of air pollution and although our research shows that poor quality vehicles is the biggest contributing factor to toxic driving emissions, the reality is that most people can’t afford to replace their cars with sustainable alternatives because they are just too expensive,” commented Fran Whittaker-Wood from The Eco Experts.

“If governments are serious about cutting driver pollution levels then more needs to be done to make these cars affordable to everyone.”

Responsible Car Scrapping and Recycling

Here at Take My Scrap Car, our commitment to responsible car scrapping and recycling is total. Along with collecting and processing all types of scrap vehicles 100% free of charge, we even promise to pay the best possible price in accordance with scrap values at the time. We also ensure that every vehicle we take is recycled in strict accordance with all applicable UK and EU legislation.

For more information on any of our services or to arrange a collection of a scrap vehicle from anywhere in Norfolk, get in touch with a member of the Take My Scrap Car customer team today.