Lisa Morton

/Lisa Morton

About Lisa Morton

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So far has created 471 blog entries.

Scrap Parts Turned Into Wind and Solar-Powered Car – Kudos Indeed!

Here at Take My Scrap Car, we’re always happy to admit when we’ve been somewhat outdone at our own game. Not that anyone else in Norfolk has the same kind of car scrapping skills as our plucky team, but when it comes to taking what’s clearly a pile of junk and making it into something […]

By |February 11th, 2015|0 Comments

Winter Weather Woes? It Could be Time to Get That Car Scrapped!

Each year when the winter weather rolls around, it serves up a pretty clear message to a big chunk of the UK population – your car has no place out on the icy roads! It’s one thing to have a car that’s cold, tricky to start on icy mornings or generally no fun to drive […]

By |February 6th, 2015|0 Comments

Celebrities Add Huge Value to Scrap Cars…Apparently

Normally, when a car gets written off after an accident, it is left without about as much resale value and overall appeal as a used tissue. That is to say, not very much at all. After all, who wants a car that’s been smashed to bits to such an extent it’s not really worth fixing?

This […]

By |February 3rd, 2015|0 Comments

Cars Reborn as Bikes? A Spanish Engineer’s Unique Take on Scrapping

We like to think that our take on car scrapping is quite unique – the service package we offer customers across Norfolk certainly is anyway. However, we’re always happy to admit when we’ve been beaten at our own game (sort of!) and couldn’t help but notice a recent story about an enterprising chap from Madrid.

In […]

By |January 28th, 2015|0 Comments

A New Life For Your Car…And Its Battery

Here’s a quick duo of facts you probably never knew about the humble car battery:

1 – Did you know that car batteries can be recycled in a big way?

2 – Did you have any idea that vehicle batteries are the single most recycled product in the world?

You see – we’re always full of golden nuggets […]

By |January 26th, 2015|0 Comments

Planning to Scrap A Car This Year? Here Are Five Reasons Why We’re the Ones to Call

If over the course of the year you plan to get rid of your car in favour of a newer model, scrapping could well be the way to go. But when it comes to choosing from the thousands of scrapping services all after your business, what is it that makes Take My Scrap Car the […]

By |January 23rd, 2015|0 Comments

Clear Some Space in 2015 and Add A Little Bonus to Your Wallet

So here’s a question – can scrapping a car ever be made ‘fun’?

The realistic answer is of course no – anyone that tries to tell you otherwise really isn’t saying much about what they think of your intelligence level. After all, what’s fun about getting rid of an old car you probably pumped a small […]

By |January 21st, 2015|0 Comments

New Year, New Car, New Scrapping Service?

We’ve never been the types to throw out tired clichés, but seriously – how fast did 2014 come and go?

From what we’ve heard to date, 2015 is going to be an interesting year for the UK’s car industry and for its millions of everyday road users alike. We’ve already seen the end of physical paper […]

By |January 13th, 2015|0 Comments

Happy 2015 From Take My Scrap Car – Here’s To Another Great Year!

So another year’s been and gone, which makes it the perfect time for the whole team at Take My Scrap Car to wish everyone out there a cracking 2015 filled with so much more than clapped-out old rust-buckets!

As usual, we spent 2014 doing what we do best – hunting high and low throughout Norfolk for […]

By |January 12th, 2015|0 Comments

Delhi Plans to Scrap All Cars Aged 15 or Over

Well, it seems as though the somewhat outlandish idea of one Mr Boris Johnson some time was not in fact as unique as it seemed at the time. If you’ll remember, the Mayor of London announced his intention to push for a campaign whereby anyone with a diesel car or a car over a certain […]

By |January 7th, 2015|0 Comments