Every now and again, we come across a story that tells of scrap metal being put to use in ways even we would have never believed possible. It’s one thing to create works of art and ornamental bits and pieces, but in some instances there are those who manage to make the kinds of things that can be nothing short of life changing.

A 31-year-old welder from a small village in Bali recently made global headlines when he claimed to have designed and created his very own, fully functioning bionic arm using nothing more than scrap metal and discarded components. Wayan Sumardana claims that the mechanical arm itself is controlled by mind power, via a separate device linked to the arm which he wears around his head. bali-villager-claims-made-working-bionic-arm-scrap-components

Unsurprisingly, speculation as to the authenticity of his claims was rife and remains so today. Nevertheless, reporters from a number of global news agencies including the BBC have visited his village, where his friends, fans and followers are still completely and utterly blown away by his creation.

Mr Sumardana spoke of suddenly and inexplicably losing all feeling in his arm.

“At first, I thought it was a light stroke, but my doctor couldn’t explain what was happening. He said go to the shaman, but the shamans gave up too,” he said, explaining the motivation behind creating the mechanical arm in the first place.

“For two months I couldn’t work at all. I was stressed out. I had no money left. Then I got the idea to create this machine.”

He took to collecting a variety of scrap car parts, along with various wheels, cables, batteries and other bits and pieces, in order to put his plan into action. But even though he himself claims that the remarkable piece of kit really does work, he doesn’t see his achievement as anything particularly exceptional.

“It’s like a lie detector machine,” he said. “I send a signal from my brain and that message is captured by the machine and it makes my arm move.”

“It is simple and anyone could make it and I am not brilliant.”

Of course, chances are we’ll never really know whether or not his bionic arm is the real deal – it’s unlikely to be put through any scientific tests anytime soon. Still, we’d certainly like to think that this is exactly the kind of incredible creation that can be knocked together using nothing more than scrap metal – even if it’s a long time before a genuine bionic arm makes its first outing.

Car Scrapping in Norfolk
If you’re looking for the best possible deal on your old scrap car, give the team at Take My Scrap Car a call today. We might not have the ingenuity or creativity of chaps like Mr Sumardana, but we can certainly promise to give you the best possible deal on your scrap car and make the whole process as swift and simple as possible.