Selling a car – three little words that strike fear into the hearts of thousands each and every day. It used to be an easy job, but these days people are expecting so much more than ever before and are willing to pay no more than rock-bottom for the privilege. Those days of getting rid of old bangers for £50 just for the sake of getting rid of them – gone, dead, buried and forgotten. And when it comes to buyers being picky, sure, you’re not asking much for that car from 1997 but is there’s so much as a spec of rust to be found, they won’t even look at it twice.

So, what’s the best way to go when you’ve got an old car to get rid of, but you know nobody’s going to bother buying it?

You come to us and we buy it from you no questions asked! Here at Take My Scrap Car, we will take literally any car in any condition and offer you the best possible cash price for it.      cant-face-the-selling-palaver-scrap-your-car-for-cash

What’s the Deal

We see the value in every car way beyond its use as a road vehicle. There’s a ton of wonderful material in every car that can be recycled and the UK as a whole has never been more dependent on recycled steel. Look around you right now and chances are almost everything you lay eyes on will be dependent on steel – even the building you’re currently in!

In order for a car to be recycled, it first has to be painstakingly sorted, processed and reduced in size in order than it might be of use to the recycling plants. This isn’t the kind of thing you can do at home with a pair of scissors and a hammer, so we offer an essential service between you and the recycling plants of the UK. We understand it might not be nice to think of your car being melted down and turned into recycled steel, but at the same time it’s better than leaving it to rust and rot indefinitely.

The Sting of Selling

The problems with selling an old car are plentiful, and that’s assuming you do eventually get rid of the thing. First of all it can leave you out of pocket – most sales portals these days don’t offer their services free of charge. Then of course there’s the time involved in arranging viewings, any test drives and generally answering questions. And then when the car is gone, can you really sleep safe at night knowing you’ve allowed what’s largely a death trap to go back on the roads with a new family in it?

Well, we certainly couldn’t, anyway!

What we offer is quite simply the best ending for any car’s life it’s possible to offer. We make sure not a scrap of it is wasted, we take care of all the logistics and we even go so far as to pay you cash for it!

We can’t really say fairer than that, can we?