We’re often asked what it is exactly that we do. As in folk know that we’re part of the recycling chain, but in terms of what it is we actually do with the cars we take, there’s more to it than what meets the eye. If it was as easy as just picking up old cars and taking them to the steel factories, anyone could do that themselves. Sadly though, as is the case with most things in life, it’s not nearly as simple as this…which is where we come into the picture!

So, just in case you were wondering, we thought we’d let you know exactly what it is that happens to your car after you say your goodbyes and place it in our more than capable hands!   car-recycling–not-as-easy-as-it-looks

First of all, we give the car a thorough examination inside and out, front to back and top to bottom. The reason being that we need to determine not only what can be recycled, but what can immediately be reused. After all, there’s no sense in recycling something that’s still working just fine! As such, we go over everything with a fine tooth comb, we take off anything that can be put back to use, we test it, clean it, file it, store it and then move onto the next piece…of which there may be hundreds!

After this we move onto the draining stage of the process. Your car has more than its fair share of liquids – some of which can be recycled and some need proper, safe disposals. Here’s a fun fact for you – did you know that the acid in a car’s battery can usually be recycled? Not only that, but the plastic shell is often recycled to make plant pots and storage containers! Neat, isn’t it! There are certain ways and means by which fluids must be stored or disposed of and we follow the strictest regulations every step of the way.

Next comes the process of separating what’s left as while most of the materials can be recycled, they can’t all be recycled at the same place and at the same time. There are plastics, rubbers, glass, metals and so on and so forth – none of which should go to waste but all of which need to be separated. We sort this out too, which means your old tyres might be made into new dog toys and your windows might find their way back onto the shelves as anything you can think of!

Once all of the above has been carried out, it’s only then that you have yourself nothing more than the shell of the vehicle and the steel frame that can and will be made into new steel once again. It might be chopped into little pieces for easy transportation or perhaps crushed into a cube – either way it’s then off to the plant where it will be processed even further before being melted.

Thought car recycling was an easy job? Think again!