People often ask us – what exactly happens to my car after you’ve been out and collected? Some assume we polish them up and send them on, others think we sell a few spare parts and then there are those that assume we just take them straight to the recycling plant and make a profit on them. In reality though the answer is none of these, though there are elements of some of them in the process. So, just in case you’d been wondering, we thought we’d share with you where your scrap car goes and what happens to it after you said your goodbyes.

Stripping and Sorting

The first part of our job is that of stripping the car of anything that either cannot be recycled or doesn’t actually need recycling because it still has life in it. We’re not in the habit of wasting anything at all, so if something still has the potential to serve a purpose, we make sure it does exactly that.     car-recycling- what-happens-to-your-car-after-we-take-it

As for the stuff that’s reached the end of its life, it’s a case of sorting and separating everything in order to then pass it on to the appropriate parties. From the steel of the car’s shell itself to the oil in the engine and even the old car battery, there’s a proper way of dealing with everything and we make it happen. Did you know that car battery shells are often recycled into plant pots? It’s true – even the acid itself can be recycled.

Shredding or Crushing

After we’ve invested extensive time in the stripping and sorting of the car’s bits and pieces, it’s time for the car’s primary shell to be either shredded into smaller pieces or crushed. Recycling plants aren’t in the habit of accepting cars in their standard everyday form, which is precisely why it’s not possible for any regular driver to just hand their car over. It takes the most incredibly powerful and precise machinery to get your car into the state it needs to be in to undergo recycling, which is again where we come into the equation.

Delivery and Processing

Last but not least, we make regular deliveries of fully processed cars and the other parts that can be recycled to the plants that take care of melting them down and making them into brand new products or raw materials. Great Britain and much of the world is 100% reliant on recycled steel for the manufacture of pretty much anything and everything we rely on day in and day out – the importance of the industry therefore cannot be overstated.

So, as you can see, there’s a heck of a lot more to the car recycling process than just taking an old car from A to B and popping it in a furnace. We really do put our hearts and souls into the process and work extremely hard to get the job done.

And considering we’ll leave you, as in the car’s owner, with cash in your pocket, it’s a pretty sweet deal on the whole!