You’d be forgiven for thinking that the car scrapping and recycling industry would be one relatively free of cowboys and rogue traders. But you’d also be entirely mistaken – the scrap metal industry is quite simply rife with those who have no intention of playing by the rules…just and as long as their own pockets get stuffed.   car-scrapping-and-recycling

Here at Take My Scrap Car, we like to think of ourselves as champions of responsible recycling and the provision of genuinely fair services. That’s why we’re never afraid to speak openly with our customers about the dodgy dealers that are best avoided, along with how exactly to avoid them.

So for those looking into the prospect of scrapping or recycling a scrap car in the near future, here’s a quick look at a few tips for spotting the average rogue trader from a mile away:

1 – Cash in Hand

First and foremost, if any kind of dealer offers to pay you cash in hand for your vehicle, it’s almost certain you’re onto a dodgy dealer. The simple fact of the matter is that when dealers pay customers cash for scrap cars or pay by any means without providing the necessary paperwork, they are breaking the law. UK law is quite specific when it comes to these kinds of transactions and the paperwork that must accompany them – those not bothering with the paperwork are in essence not bothering with the law, either.

2 – Service Charges

One of the most common scam tactics adopted by dodgy dealers is that of offering what appears to be a decent cash price, only to then hit the customer with a variety of service charges. From admin fees to collection to haulage and so on, it’s all to make it look as if you’re getting a good deal, when you are in fact being taken for a ride…no pun intended. In a nutshell, any dealer that doesn’t guarantee the price offered and promise no hidden fees or service charges whatsoever isn’t worth dealing with.

3 – What Next?

If the recycling service provider you intend to deal with is all it appears to be, they should make it abundantly clear what happens to your car when the transaction has been completed. Whereas reputable dealers ensure that all cars taken are properly processed and responsibly recycled in accordance with EU legislation, others simply patch cars up and sell them on once again. Unfortunately, in the case of the latter it can often be the car’s prior owner who ends up finding themselves in hot water if the illegally sold car then gets into any trouble. If they don’t make entirely clear their recycling policies, walk away.

4 – OTT Price Promises

Last but not least, if after comparing the market for a while it becomes somewhat obvious that one particular dealer appears to be offering a price quite excessively higher than any other, it is almost certain that it will prove too good to be true. When OTT prices are quoted, this more often than not tends out to be nothing but a ‘bait’ tactic after which you’ll find yourself actually being paid considerably less, if anything it all.

For more information or responsible recycling and how to avoid dodgy dealers, get in touch with the Take My Scrap Car team today.