We like to think that our take on car scrapping is quite unique – the service package we offer customers across Norfolk certainly is anyway. However, we’re always happy to admit when we’ve been beaten at our own game (sort of!) and couldn’t help but notice a recent story about an enterprising chap from Madrid.

In Spain, just like in the UK, thousands of cars find their way onto scrap piles every year and go nowhere fast. Not happy with the situation on his home turf, Francisco Cassis decided to start his own car scrapping and recycling business, though on a rather different level to that of ours.   cars-reborn-as-bikes-a-spanish-engineer-unique-take-on-scrapping

When we take scrap cars, we make sure they’re recycled to the most comprehensive extent possible, allowing the materials to once again find their way back into circulation. Mr Cassis on the other hand takes care of the whole process himself by taking scrap cars, stripping them and using their parts to make single-speed bicycles.

That’s right – old car parts coming back to life as bikes!

Unsurprisingly, his efforts have been saluted from all sides and there’s already a waiting list for his creations. The only downside is that of how long it takes for him to put a single one of the things together, meaning that while it’s a pretty great initiative, it’s not likely to make a dent on Europe’s scrap car backlog.

Oh, and it’s also worth noting that these ‘recycycles’ as we like to call them cost in the region of 500 euros each…and don’t come with any luxury features or gadgets. In any case though, it’s a big and well-deserved tip of the hat to a chap that’s taken recycling into his own hands and breathes new life into scrap vehicles that may have otherwise been left out to rust and rot for all eternity.

Back here in Blighty, we can’t promise to hand-craft your scrap car into a brand-new bicycle, but we can at least promise it’ll be given a new life as something else. Up to 80% of the steel in a scrap car can be recycled and we put our hearts and souls into making sure than not a shred of this goes to waste. Everything we do is in accordance with strict EU guidelines, therefore you can rest assured that when you scrap a car with is, it’s going to an eventual good home.

Who knows – maybe you and a few bits of your old car will cross paths again over the coming years?

We’ve done all we can to make car scrapping and recycling as rewarding as possible. Our wholly unique service package promises to take up less of your time, cause as little disruption as possible and leave you with more ££££’s in your pocket as a result. We come to you, we take the car, we sort the paperwork and we leave you better-off as a whole – it’s a promise we’re proud to make!

Of course, you could always have a go at building your own bike like Mr Cassis did…if you’re feeling brave enough!