Well, it seems as though the somewhat outlandish idea of one Mr Boris Johnson some time was not in fact as unique as it seemed at the time. If you’ll remember, the Mayor of London announced his intention to push for a campaign whereby anyone with a diesel car or a car over a certain age could be offered a solid wad of cash if they were happy to scrap their cars and upgrade to newer, more eco-friendly models.

Unsurprisingly, the reaction on the whole was pretty mixed. Yes, it’s important to look after the environment and nobody wants to drive around in a clapped out old banger given the choice. But at the same time, a couple of grand off the price of a new car still doesn’t help most of the UK population struggling to make ends meet as it is.   delhi-plans-to-scrap-all-cars-aged-15-or-over

In any case, those still hopelessly in love with their…let’s say ‘classic’ cars…should be thankful they don’t live in the vicinity of Delhi. According to reports emerging from the region over the past couple of weeks, Delhi is looking to introduce a law whereby pretty much ALL cars over the age of 15 will be forced to head away for recycling, as a means by which to keep the roads safer, the air cleaner and the recycling industry ticking over nicely.

As could be expected the whole list of terms, conditions, clauses and exceptions will be as long as a dozen arms combined, but as far as the average motorist goes it’ll be a case of trade up or take the bus. And of course, it’s not as if the roads of India aren’t already quite notorious for the number of cars flying around that were doing the same not long after the Second World War.

It’s an interesting concept and one that’s again made us stop to think about the schemes proposed for the UK. It’s easy to see where government types are going with the ideas, but so far none have bothered to carry out any kind of public poll to see who’d be in favour and against the idea…a little thing called democracy!

In the meantime though, we’ll be going about our car scrapping and recycling duties as always – making life easy for anyone out there looking to get rid of an old car and NOT end up out of pocket for their trouble. We offer a unique service package that leaves our clients better-off in more ways than one. From the logistics, to the paperwork and even covering all the costs, we make it quite ridiculously easy to get your car off for recycling and put a little something back into the system.

Day or night, rain or shine our drivers are on the roads doing their thing and waiting for your call. Just let us know where you are and we’ll do the rest, so if you’ve been thinking about trading up for some time and have needed a gentle nudge in the right direction, consider this the poke you’ve been waiting for!