When the time finally comes to rid yourself of your old clapped-out vehicle that has been cramping your style for so long, you effectively have only two options. You could scrap it or you could try selling it. But this if of course assuming there is any life left in the car whatsoever – if it is genuinely of no use, scrapping is really the only choice you have. car-recycling

Contrary to what many people believe, making sure your scrap car is recycled and processed effectively and efficiently is not quite as easy as selecting the first provider you lay your eyes on. The simple truth is that there’s plenty of money to be earned in scrap materials and car scrapping in general these days, which means not everybody out there will be willing to play by the rules.

Nonetheless, from the perspective of both the industry professionals and the client, effective car recycling is in everybody’s best interests.

Numbers That Surprise

To put our words in some perspective, it is worth thinking about the fact that in one year alone, one million vehicles are taken off the roads in the UK. This means tens of thousands of vehicles every month, retired and never to be used again. Needless to mention, the United Kingdom is not exactly blessed with abundant free space that can be used to stack and stockpile all these millions of cars for all eternity – nor are we blessed with endless resources and materials.

When a car is recycled according to the strict EU standards, up to eighty per cent of all the metal it has could be recycled and used again. And considering the fact that recycled metal could be both cheaper and stronger than first-run metal, it just makes total sense to make full use of this readily available and incredibly valuable resource.

Rogue Dealers

Unfortunately, there will always be people who are more interested in lining their pockets than in the greater good. There are different ways and means by which scrap vehicles could be turned into cash, though in the majority of instances, such practices and processes don’t exactly follow UK legislation.

Therefore, to knowingly allow your vehicle to be scrapped and used by dealers with only their own profit and interests in mind is not exactly what one would call a responsible decision. And not only thins, but there is every possibility you find yourself both out of pocket and looking at a rather unpleasant DVLA fine for not doing things properly.

Everybody Could Win!

Here at Take My Scrap Car, we work hard every day to offer a service where literally everyone wins. For our clients, it is a case of complete convenience with us taking care of every part of the collection and removal, while at the same time guaranteeing to pay the best possible price for every vehicle we take. We have enormous regard for both playing by the book and the environment and so every vehicle we take is recycled in accordance with all regulations and standards.