There are two ways of getting cash for cars these days – one being to sell them and the other being to scrap them. It wasn’t long ago that to scrap a car meant to pay a dealer to take the thing off your hands, knowing fully well that they’d eventually go on to make a good amount of money out of stripping the thing and reselling its parts. It felt like you were being short-changed because you were being short-changed – something had to give and thankfully it has!

Our take on scrapping a car is wholly different from most you will have come across before. We prefer to see the car scrapping process as one whereby everybody should win – you, us and the environment as a whole. It all comes down to the way in which a car is processed and dealt with once it has been handed over to those taking it off your hands. And in the case of a responsible dealer, trading scrap cars for cash begins a process whereby 90% of the whole vehicle goes back into circulation.   exchanging-your-scrap-car-for-cash– how-it-works

Here’s how the process works:

Make the Call

As far as the car’s owner goes…that being you…the only effort needed to that of making the call in the first place, or filling out an online enquiry form. This puts you in direct contact with the team that will eventually be responsible for taking your car away from you – you don’t need to worry about the logistics of getting the job done or the horrible condition your car might be in. And what’s more, you don’t need to worry about the hard-sell – any car in any condition is fair game!

Get the Best Price

You’ll be offered the best possible price, but you’re more than free to go ahead and compare the market if you like. When a price promise is offered, this means that any better deal found elsewhere will be matched or improved upon. We always promise the best possible price and we deliver on our word, every time.

Wave Goodbye

It’s then the job of the crack takeaway team to come to wherever it might be the car is currently resting and take it away. It doesn’t matter if it’s 100% immobile and in the most inconvenient location imaginable – you don’t have to worry about getting it prepped and ready to go either. We’ll come to you, get rid of the eyesore and make sure we leave minimal mess behind.

Stripped and Sorted

After this comes the rather intensive and painstaking process of stripping the car and prepping it for the recycling process. Not every material and component gets recycled in the same way so it’s important to separate all the bits and pieces. And what’s more, much of it can be put straight back into use, which is a bit like recycling without the recycling process!

Processed and Reborn

And for the bulk of the car that’s sent off to be processed and put back into use, around 90% of the steel in a car can be made into recycled steel that’s 100% as strong, sturdy and versatile and newly made steel. So when you trade a scrap car for cash, you’re actually doing your ‘bit’ for the environment more so than you’d think.