Chances are, you personally don’t find the subject of car recycling quite as exciting as we do. Then again, we reckon nobody does! Take My Scrap Car has been doing what it does best for some time now and we like to think of ourselves as part of the wider UK recycling landscape.

 Nevertheless, recycling is the kind of thing in which each and every one of us plays a critically important role. It’s becoming clearer all the time how vital recycling is for the future of Great Britain and the world as a whole, so it’s good to see that more people than ever before are doing their ‘bit’.

Which is why today, we thought we’d share with you a few semi-interesting facts and figures about car recycling. If you don’t find them particularly thrilling yourself, you can always entertain/bore your friends with them when the mood takes you!

  1. First of all, it is estimated that if just one in every two people got into the habit of car sharing, air pollution, traffic jams and associated costs would be cut by up to 50%. Which is precisely why so many towns and cities all over the world are introducing their own unique takes on car sharing schemes.
  2. On a global basis, somewhere in the region of 25 million tons of materials are reclaimed and recycled from scrap cars on an annual basis. What’s more, most of these recycled and reclaimed materials are just as versatile, durable and useful as their first-run counterparts.
  3. Despite the fact that you yourself may not give car recycling much thought, cars and vehicles in general are the single most recycled consumer product on earth. The reason being that it is becoming comparatively rare for scrap cars not to be recycled, when they reach the end of their usable life.
  4. The automobile recycling industry in the United States and Canada is the most robust and advanced by far. Every year, the steel produced by the recycling industries of these two countries alone is more than enough to produce 13 million brand new vehicles. It is widely estimated that with complete optimisation of the system, the global automotive industry could theoretically become self-sufficient using only recycled materials.
  5. Last but not least, despite the extraordinary importance of the recycling industry in general, most vehicle recycling companies are extremely small businesses. In fact, it is estimated that around 75% of companies involved in vehicle recycling have less than 10 members of staff running the whole operation!

For more information on car scrapping or to arrange a pickup, get in touch with the Take My Scrap Car team today.