Now more than ever, motorists and citizens in general up and down the United Kingdom are proactively making a concerted effort to live their lives a little greener. Everybody knows the importance of doing their ‘bit’ for the environment, but in so many instances folks are taking things the extra mile to make their own bit a bit bigger, so to speak. five-ways-to-make-your-driving-habits-that-little-bit-greener

It’s of course no secret that cars and motor vehicles in general are just about the biggest contributor to air pollution known to man. But at the same time, we will always need to get from A to B, which in turn means that environmental concerns take something of a backseat…no pun intended.

So assuming that you are one of millions of motorists in the United Kingdom and would genuinely like to up the ante green-wise, what can you start doing right now to improve and enhance your bit?

1 – Walk More!

Well, the most obvious answer is of course to stop using your car when and where possible and to start relying on your own two feet instead. The problem these days is that the vast majority of people have fallen into such incredibly bad habits that when and where a journey is any more than a couple of hundred metres, we don’t even think twice about jumping in the car and tootling away. This, despite the fact that walking will work wonders for your health, save you plenty of money long-term and do a fair bit of good by Mother Nature at the same time.

2 – Use More Public Transport

Yes, we know the horrors of public transport in most major cities and completely understand why it’s something of a foreboding prospect for most! But at the same time, there’s also the appeal of not personally having to negotiate rush hour traffic and the stresses of the daily commute, when you can pay a tiny price for someone to do it on your behalf. Public transport is infinitely more environmentally friendly than everyone taking their own cars – it can also work wonders for your own personal stress levels.

3 – Get Your Car Serviced

If you haven’t had your car serviced recently, it’s largely inevitable that it will be generating so much more pollution than it perhaps needs to. Each and every day following a full top-to-toe servicing, your car slowly but surely loses its ability to perform efficiently. And when it is unable to perform efficiently, it not only generates more pollution, but both loses power and costs more to run at the same time. So really, getting it serviced more often means that everybody wins!

4 – Drive Calmly and Sensibly

A quick point but an important point nonetheless, the faster and more aggressively you drive, the more fuel you consume, the more money you spend, the heavier the impact on the environment and the more likely you are to crash and kill a) the occupants of your car or b) any other poor soul that happened to be in the vicinity at the time.

5 – Trade-in and Trade-up

Last but not least, there’s always the option of getting rid of your old car and trading up to something a little more environmentally friendly – all with a little help from Take My Scrap Car. We can’t promise to pay you a fortune for your old scrap car, that we can certainly make sure you get the best price in accordance with scrap values at the time, which might just make it that little bit easier to trade up to something that’s better for everyone!