Take a look at the heap of junk out on the drive and chances are you won’t think anyone in their right mind will ever buy it. And if you were to put it in the classified ads or on eBay, chances are you’d prove yourself pretty well right!

However, this doesn’t mean that your effectively worthless car doesn’t still hold at least some value to a certain source – you could recycle the thing and pocket a few quid in the process. All over the UK, cars that are nearing or right at their life’s end are being taken by scrap yards which first strip all parts of value and then send the remaining shell off to be recycled. Almost everything in a car can be recycled and chances are they’ll make some decent money selling its useable spare parts too.    how-to-get-the-best-price-for-your-scrap-car

So really – why shouldn’t you get at least a small piece of the action?

And that’s exactly what’s become the standard for car recycling today – you offer the scrap dealer your car and they not only pay you for it, but they also take over the removal and delivery process. All the owner has to do is make a quick call, but with so many competing services out there, how can you be sure you’re getting the right price?

Compare the Market

It’s actually a pretty easy process, which begins with comparing the market and the general kinds of quotes being offered. You can do this either by going to a comparison website, or simply visiting the websites of each local car recycling service you’re interested in and seeing what they can offer you. Generally speaking you’ll find that most quotes are along the same lines, but every now and again you’ll find a pretty rubbish quote to steer clear of and another that’s head and shoulders above the rest.

Seek Guarantees

Regardless of the quote provided and the price offered for your car, you need to make sure they back it with a guarantee. If they know they’re offering the best price and refuse to be beaten, they’ll guarantee it. If they don’t offer such guarantees, it’s a sure-fire sign than you’d be able to get a much better deal elsewhere with a service that will in fact guarantee its quote.

Look Into Feedback

Last but not least, you can save yourself a fair bit of running around simply by looking into the thoughts and experience of past customers. Take a look at the feedback on any given provider and you’ll get a good idea of why the customer chose them, how they performed and whether a fair price was paid. This is the only way of finding out what it’s like to do business with the scrapping service from the perspective of a standard car owner with no affiliation with the brand – essential information before going ahead.

It’s technically pretty hard to get it wrong when it comes to recycling an old car these days, but with just a few minutes of time and attention, you could end up with much more in your pocket to show for it!