So another year’s been and gone, which makes it the perfect time for the whole team at Take My Scrap Car to wish everyone out there a cracking 2015 filled with so much more than clapped-out old rust-buckets!

As usual, we spent 2014 doing what we do best – hunting high and low throughout Norfolk for the kinds of cars that really have no place on the roads anymore. The year as a whole saw demand for scrap metal for recycling purposes spike to all-new highs once again and we’re proud to say we did our ‘bit’ in helping everyone else do theirs! And that’s exactly what we plan to keep on doing throughout the rest of this year, so if you’ve been thinking of upgrading to a new car and would like to see your old wagon put to good use, we’re the guys you should be calling.    happy-2015-from-take-my-scrap-car–here-is-to-another-great-year

Who We Are, What We Do

For those not familiar with who we are and what we do, the long and short of it is that we’re in the recycling business. Everyone these days knows the importance of recycling, but at the same time a fair few don’t have any idea how crucial car recycling is. It’s common to assume that no matter where your car ends up, it gets put back to good use. If only this was the case however as in reality, tens of thousands of cars go missing in the UK alone every single year.

And when we say ‘missing’ these are of course all cars that are assumed to be gathering rust and rotting away on heaps all over the country, rather than being recycled in accordance with EU regulations.

We’ve always been the types to practise as we preach which is why we set up Take My Scrap Car in the first place. We, just like many of you, had spent a long time moaning about how unfair it was to have to pay other folk to take away a scrap car at the end of its life – essentially meaning that to do the right things was costing YOU money. Not the best way of doing things at all, so we went about coming up with a new take on things where not only do you not end up out of pocket, you actually come out of the deal better off for your trouble!

One Call Does it All!

All you need to do to set the wheels in motion…no pun intended…is to give us a quick call, or even get in touch online for that matter. As soon as we know who you are, where you are and when you’d like us to be there, we’ll spring into action and get one of our drivers over to you. We’ll take your car away, help you with the DVLA paperwork and make sure you’re rewarded fairly.

All this with the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re doing the right thing – really priceless stuff!