Mike Hughes is fundamentally convinced that the world is flat. To such an extent that he’s dedicated much of his recent existence to proving it. One of his more recent stunts being that of building a rudimentary steam-powered home rocket from scrap car parts, which he apparently has every intention of using to propel himself 1,800 feet in the air.

The idea being that once at this ‘dizzying’ altitude, he would be able to take a picture to prove once and for all that the supposed shape of the earth is nothing more than a longstanding conspiracy.

Unfortunately, every attempt so far to get the rocket off the ground has been met with a variety of roadblocks. Having now been delayed for a third time, due to apparent technical difficulties, ‘Mad Max’ apparently still has every intention of lifting off soon enough.

“It’s still happening. We’re just moving it three miles down the road,” Hughes told The Washington Post on Friday.

“I don’t see [the launch] happening until about Tuesday, honestly. It takes three days to set up . . . You know, it’s not easy because it’s not supposed to be easy.”

Speaking in an earlier interview with the Associated Press, Hughes stated that if the rather questionable flight doesn’t kill him, it will mark the first important phase of his own flat-earth space programme. Ultimately, he intends to launch himself several miles into the air, in order to take a conclusive snapshot of the earth he firmly believes is disk-shaped.

“It’ll shut the door on this ball Earth,” he said.

He’s also happily admitted the fact that the whole project is a little on the dangerous side, but seems more than willing to give his life to prove his theory.

…despite the fact that jumping on a cheap domestic flight for $50 could have propelled him more than high enough to see what’s really going on!

Take My Scrap Car
Here at Take My Scrap Car, we can’t stake claim to doing anything nearly as exciting as this with the scrap vehicles we collect. Rather than propelling ourselves at terrifying speeds into the unknown, we instead focus on responsible car scrapping and recycling. The importance of which is anything but an elaborate theoretical concept!

When the time comes to get rid of a scrap vehicle of any kind, simply get in touch with the TMSC team and we’ll guarantee you the most rewarding and accessible service package on the market. We’ll travel to you wherever you’re located, take your car away free of charge and ensure you’re paid a fair price, in accordance with scrap values at the time. It won’t be enough to build your own homemade spaceship, but it’ll be the best price you’ll receive from any responsible car scrapping and recycling service!

So for more information or to arrange a collection of any scrap vehicle in Norwich, get in touch with the Take My Scrap Car customer service team today.