There comes a time in the life of every car when the decision must be made as to how to dispose of the thing in the most appropriate manner. Of course, the first and most obvious pair of answers that come to mind are sell it or scrap it – usually in that exact order. You’d ideally like to sell it for the best possible price, but assuming it’s in a bit of a state and nobody’s really going to have any interest in it, how can you make sure you still get at least some money for your efforts?

Scrap It With Us

Well, first of all if you do come to the decision to scrap your car, you simply won’t find a better deal than the one we’ll give you. One of the things that can really pack a wallop when scrapping a car is the way in which it often ends up being YOU that gets charged for doing the right thing. We don’t think this is the way to go at all however, which is why we promise to come to you and take your car away 100% free of charge, no matter where you are or what time of day/night we come out. Better yet, we’ll make sure you get at least a little something for the car you hand over to us, which is way more than you’re likely to get for it elsewhere.      how-to-make-the-most-from-your-scrap-car

Look For Keepers

Before handing your car over to us however, we wholeheartedly recommend that you go over the thing with a fine-tooth comb in order to extract anything that might be of use to you in the future. Perhaps another car in the household uses the same tyres, so why not take them off and keep them as spares? If there are great speakers built into the parcel shelf, rip them out and put them in your new car. These aren’t the kinds of things we’re interested in as recycling agents, so feel free to take out anything you want to keep and hold onto as much value as you like.

Strip and Sell

And then of course there’s always the option of taking as many bits and pieces out of the car as you feel the need to extract in order to then be sold on to other buyers. The stereo may not be of much use to you, but surely somebody else will be interested. Also, why not swap those nice allow wheels for a cheap set of steel rims and sell the premium ones online for a tidy penny or two? If your car is a popular brand and model, there’s probably very little across its interior and exterior alike that won’t be worth something to someone – it’s always worth giving it a thought.

Give the team a call today for more information on how to not only scrap your car, but make sure you get the very most out of the deal too!