It’s happening again – plucky souls from half way around the world are showing the rest of us exactly what can be done with a bunch of old scrap car parts and a decent amount of imagination!

If you cast your mind back a fair few months, you’ll no doubt remember us writing earlier this year about a father-son partnership in China that produced some pretty epic results. Bred of a joint obsession with the things, the pair decided to grab a load of old car parts and put them to good use – by making gigantic Transformers replicas. But while the results were indeed impressive to say the least, they’ve been well and truly blown out of the water by the efforts of a rather ambitious engineer – also from China.  more-epic-transformers-built-from-scrap-car-parts

What you’re looking at here is the work of Li Futang from Shangqiu, Henan. Like the duo before, he took nothing more than a small arsenal of scrap car parts and set to work creating his very own robot mini-army. As for the results…well, as you can see right here the word ‘awesome’ seems rather on the diluted side. Standing 12 metres in height, his incredible replication of Bumblebee now stands proudly above the homes, warehouses and other robots he is currently in the process of building.

Along with the assistance of two others, it took the guy an impressive five months to build the thing from start to completion. Not only is it totally environmentally friendly, it also boasts an epic music system, flashing lights, the ability to spray mist from its chest and a full 180-degree rotating head. All this from spare car parts…pretty incredible, isn’t it?

Exactly what he plans to do with it remains a mystery for the time being, though the previously mentioned father-son team that built a bunch of robots in the same manner ended up raking in a small fortune for their efforts. And as Li Futang seems to have gone further, chances are he’ll be in for some serious success.

Life After Scrap

Of course, here at Take My Scrap Car we can’t exactly promise to do anything quite as exciting as this with the various cars and vehicles brought our way day in and day out. We’re not about to build Norfolk its own Transformers army, but we can at least promise each of our clients the very best car scrapping deal and service package in the region.

The way we see it, putting a scrap car back to any kind of good use whatsoever is infinitely better than doing nothing with it. Even if it means building robots, it’s still a pretty agreeable outcome compared to sitting on a scrap heap for all eternity! That being said, actually putting half a year to one side for this kind of project isn’t exactly realistic for most, which is why we wholeheartedly recommend getting in touch with us.

We’ll come to you, we’ll take your scrap car no matter where in Norfolk it is and we promise to pay you the best possible price for it. So like we said, not the most exciting service in the world, but undoubtedly the best car scrapping service package you’ll find in Norfolk!