You’d be forgiven for thinking that getting rid of a scrap car was easy. And indeed it can be, but it’s also surprisingly easy to make one or two mistakes along the way.

Take My Scrap Car was established to make car scrapping and recycling easy, accessible and rewarding for everyone. Our service package essentially takes everything that was wrong with the traditional scrapping system and turns it on its head. Nevertheless, it’s not as if we can force scrap car owners to come to us, so as to avoid getting a bum deal elsewhere!

So regardless of where you decide to go when the time comes to get rid of your old car, here’s a quick rundown of four things you should never, ever do under any circumstances:

  1. Never Pay
    First and foremost, if you are expected to pay even a penny for any part of the service package, walk away. The reason being that you are being taken for a ride by the dealer…quite literally. Paying someone to take your scrap car off your hands is a little like a retail store paying you to take home your chosen products. That being, the complete opposite to the way it should work. Under no circumstances should you ever be asked to pay a single penny – feel free to decline politely if this is the case.
  2. Never Deliver
    Likewise, you should never be asked to transport the scrap vehicle in question to the scrapyard or recycling plant. The reason being that in most instances, scrap cars cannot usually be driven on public roads a) safely or b) legally. Which would mean that the only alternative would be to pay a fortune to have it transported, which once again leaves you out of pocket. Unless the recycling company is happy to collect your car 100% free of charge, you might want to think of trying a different service.
  3. Never Accept Cash
    If you are offered cash in hand for your scrap car, you are staring a dodgy dealer in the eye. For quite some time now, it has been illegal to offer or take cash payments when transferring ownership of scrap cars for recycling. Not only must all dealers be licensed and regulated, but all payments must be officially recorded and all relevant documentation retained long-term. As such, those who offer cash in hand payments are not playing by the rules and could get you in a fair amount of trouble.
  4. Never Settle for Nothing in Return
    Last but not least, it simply doesn’t make sense to hand over any scrap car of any kind for free. After all, the recycling company is going to make good money from its materials – why shouldn’t you get a piece of the action? While you can’t expect to receive an enormous payment for a scrap car, you should at least get something for doing the right thing. So unless the dealer promises to pay the best possible price for every scrap car, regardless of its age and condition, it probably isn’t a dealer you should be working with!