For the most part, recycling an electric vehicle is no different than recycling a conventional vehicle. At least, in the sense that the vast majority of materials and components can be recycled, while the rest should be disposed of responsibly.

Nevertheless, there are a couple of differences that make the recycling process itself slightly different. Not to mention, significantly more complex. This is why it is important to ensure that your scrap electric car is handed over to an appropriately capable and responsible service provider.

Take My Scrap Car specialises in all types of vehicle scrapping and recycling – including the latest electric and hybrid cars.

Here’s how the car scrapping and recycling process differs slightly, where electric vehicles are concerned:

1. Risks to those handling the scrapping and recycling

Attempting to dismantle, scrap and recycle a scrap car without extensive knowledge and experience is inadvisable. This is because above all else, it can be much riskier business than dismantling and scrapping a regular car. Electric cars are powered by exceptionally powerful batteries, which when handled incorrectly can catch fire, explode or leak highly dangerous chemicals.

In addition, the phenomenally powerful magnets in electric and hybrid vehicle motors can be hazardous in their own right. Particularly if anyone in the vicinity happens to have a medical device such as a pacemaker fitted, magnets as powerful as these can pose a serious health risk.

From top to bottom, an electric vehicle contains a wide variety of components and materials you won’t find in a standard combustion-engine vehicle.  Something that naturally brings additional risks and hazards into the mix.

2. Responsibly recycling and disposing of dangerous components

The second difference is the way in which the more dangerous components, chemicals and compounds contained in an electric car need to be handled and disposed of in a different way. As you probably know by now, electronic appliances, batteries and devices in general can’t simply be tossed in the recycling with everything else.

Instead, they need to be handled with care and passed on to an appropriate recycling or disposal facility. The average electric vehicle is bursting at the seams with these kinds of chemicals and components, meaning extreme care and attention are called for throughout the recycling process.

Just as with everyday appliances, failing to dispose of potentially dangerous electric car components safely can pose a direct threat to the environment and those in the vicinity.

Paying the Best Possible Price for All Scrap Cars…

At Take My Scrap Car, our experience and expertise extend to all types of car scrapping and recycling – including electric vehicle disposals. What’s more, we promise to pay the best possible price for every car we collect – electric vehicles and hybrid cars included.

Whether ready to go ahead or simply considering scrapping an electric vehicle, we’d be delighted to hear from you any time. Call the team at Take My Scrap Car for an obligation-free quotation, or to discuss your requirements in more detail.