Scrap Cars Bagthorpe


Bagthorpe is by far one of the smallest villages of its type in Norfolk, but with small villages always comes a very proud and admirable population. There may only be about 60 or so permanent residents in Bagthorpe, but we know from experience that they love their little corner of the UK and would prefer NOT to have it spoilt by rusting hunks of junk on the driveways.

Luckily for the folks of Bagthorpe, we’ve been offering a unique take on car scrapping for quite a long time to say the least. Basically, we went into business to offer a service that’s in many ways the exact opposite of the UK norm. And as the UK norm wasn’t one that favoured the good people of Bagthorpe, you can rest assured our take on things is much nicer.

Whereas in the past you had to pay to have your car taken off your hands, we pay you for the car. Prior to now you may have had to organise transport to get the thing to a scrap yard, but give us a call and we do the whole thing for you…free of charge. And of course, there were always cases where you knew your car would basically just be left to rust on a pile of junk for all eternity – we make sure everything that can be recycled is once again put to use in the best possible way.

We put together our service package in order to ensure that everybody involved wins. You get paid for even the oldest of scrap cars and get rid of the eyesore once and for all, we get to process the car for salvageable parts and the environment as a whole benefits from a full 80% of the car’s steel being recycled. There’s really no excuse for hitting anyone with a bill when they’re clearly doing the responsible thing, so you can rest assured that when you put your trust in us, we’ll make sure you’re fairly rewarded for doing what’s right.

And you don’t have to worry about making a mistake with the paperwork along the way and being hit by a fine from the DVLA either. As part of our full service package to you, we’ll even help with the admin side of stuff to make sure it all stays nice and legal.

Scrap cars for cash in Bagthorpeit’s what we do and all we do! Give us a call today on 01508 499 348.


Scrap Cars Bagthorpe

Scrap Cars Bagthorpe