Scrap Cars Bengate


Situated just a few miles from North Walsham, Bengate is a quaint little village that pretty much epitomises small town life in Norfolk. Famed for its Weaver’s Way footpath that’s an absolute diamond to try out when the weather decides to cooperate, Bengate is just the kind of place that could benefit enormously from our unique scrap cars for cash service.

The less space you have to play with, the more of an eyesore every clapped out old banger becomes. As such, when your once faithful auto gives up entirely and makes it clear that its days are over, you need to know there’s a Bengate car scrapping service you can count on. Admittedly, you’ll find a fair few serving the Bengate area and it might take no more than a call to arrange. However, when it comes to fairly rewarding those that do the right thing, we’re justified in saying that we’re in a league of our own!

Why? Well, quite simply because we promise to pay you the best price for your scrap car – any scrap car in Bengate. This means that you can search as far and wide as you like, but there’s no way you’ll find either a price or a service package that beats ours – it ain’t gonna happen! We’ve earned a reputation across Norfolk for delivering new-generation service standards that go far above and beyond anything you may be used to. All we need are the basic details for you and the rest we sort out on your behalf.

Weekdays not convenient? No worries, our drivers are out and about across Bengate at the weekends too. Working late every night? That’s fine, as we’re also on the go 24/7 on most days! We’ll come to the location of the car and take it away at your own discretion and with minimal fuss. We might even be able to come out the very same day, so why delay any longer in getting rid of the rust-bucket doing nothing for your property values?

Not only this, but we also make sure that every last bit of your car that can be recycled is passed on to the UK’s foremost authorities and put back into the system. To come to us with your scrap car in Bengate is to do more than a little ‘bit’ for the environment AND to get rewarded for it at the same time in cash!

Give us a call today on 01603 916 893 or 01508 499 348.


