Scrap Cars Booton Street


To any modern Booton Street resident, the subject of car recycling is about as exciting as dry toast. And understandably so too, as it’s not the kind of subject that regularly comes up in conversations and nor does it appear to have any immediate impact on or benefit for the average household. However, as time moves forward the UK as a whole is becoming more dependent on recycled steel than ever before. And the more dependent the country becomes on steel, the greater the demand for the kind of steel that’s just about holding your old car together.

If you haven’t already got the picture – we’re trying to tell you that old rust-bucket outside might actually be worth more than you think!

It’s always hard to accept that any given car has reached the end of its life, which is precisely why the roads of Norfolk are still crammed with veritable death-traps. In terms of what’s to be done with a car on its last legs, the obvious answer is to sell it on, but assuming you even manage to pawn it off on another unfortunate soul, what about the morality of letting them drive a car that’s potentially lethal? Some might say it’s not their problem, but those with any sense of dignity would of course rather not be responsible for another family’s RTA.

And that’s where we come into the equation as while you’re unlikely to ever be made endlessly rich by your old banger on the drive, it might hold a much higher value than you’d think. As a business, we proactively seek old and rundown cars that realistically have no life left in them to give, in order to take their materials and put them back into the system. What looks like a useless scrap car on Booton Street we actually see as the kitchen appliances of the future just begging to be made from its glorious scrap steel!

All we ask is that you give us a quick call to let us know who you are, where you are and what you have to offer us. We’ll then leap into action and head your way with the necessary equipment to get rid of the eyesore, not to mention the reward agreed in accordance with market values. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ll even help sort out the DVLA paperwork just to make sure you don’t get any unwelcome letters or bills in the post – a job well done!

Give us a call today on 01603 916 893 or 01508 499 348.


Scrap Cars Booton Street

Scrap Cars Booton Street