Scrap Cars Bramerton


Car scrapping in Bramerton is hardly a new concept – scrapping has been a necessary service ever since cars first hit the roads. As most will have come to realise by now, selling a car in the 21st century is tricky…an understatement to say the least. For one thing, people these days just aren’t willing to take chances on quality or safety, which means that when your faithful mule starts shedding bits and pieces all over the roads of Bramerton, chances are nobody’s going to want to buy it.

And with so many affordable credit services out there, the days of folk routinely buying 1987 Ford Fiestas for a few hundred quid are over – it just doesn’t happen anymore.

All of this leaves those with old and worn-out cars with a bit of a predicament, as the one thing nobody wants to have to do is to pay someone else to take the car off their hands. That counts double if the party in question is going to make money from the car, though is nonetheless the way the car scrapping system across Bramerton and beyond has worked pretty much forever.

If you’re like us, chances are you’ll find this all a bit on the unfair side and agree that a change is needed.

Lucky for you, Take My Scrap Car is exactly such a change in motion as we went into business many years ago for the sole purpose of transforming the way the people of Bramerton look at car scrapping. We say scrapping, but we’re actually more of a recycling company. Scrapping drums up connotations of huge heaps of rusting metal that will still be there in the year 3,000 – this is not the way we work at all. Instead, when we take a car we make sure that it’s pulled to pieces in the most meticulous manner possible in order to then get every last part recycled to the highest possible standards. If there’s any way it can be brought back to life as something else, you better believe we’ll make it happen!

We can’t promise Bramerton residents a scrapping service that’s a thrill a minute, but we can at least promise a fast, easy and rewarding service with the best possible price paid for your car – and that’s any car in any condition.

Give us a call today and we’ll let you know what we can do for you and what your car might be worth – you might be surprised how much value is left in the old girl yet!


Scrap Cars Bramerton

Scrap Cars Bramerton