One of the questions we get asked more than any other is that of scrap car prices – or more specifically, what you’ll get paid and how to know it’s a fair price. After all, it’s not as if the millions of motorists spanning the UK can be expected to know the ins and outs of recycling, so how on Earth can you know you’re getting a good deal?

Technically, it’s pretty easy as while you might not have any real clue as to specific vehicle values when scrapping, you can at least make sure you don’t find yourself on the receiving end of a bum deal.     scrap-car-prices–how-to -know-you-are-getting-the-best-deal

Market Values Fluctuate

Folk often ask us why we can’t list the prices we offer for each specific make and model of car on our website, as to do so would make life so much easier. Admittedly, it would, but what makes this impossible is the way in which scrap steel prices are (literally) constantly fluctuating day after day. Or on other words, whatever your old car is worth today might have changed radically by this time next week – either for the better or the worse.

That being said, prices from day to day really don’t tend to dip or spike too much so chances are it won’t really matter when you scrap your car, just as long as you make sure you scrap with a dealer that promises market averages or higher.

Car Age and Condition Shouldn’t Matter

Something else to be very much aware of when approaching a dealer for the first time is that when it comes to car scrapping, the actual age and condition of the car don’t count for a great deal at all. The reason being that unlike when you’re trying to sell a car to a new owner, the car you’re scrapping is destined to be chopped to pieces and melted down to make new steel…sorry if that’s an unpleasant thought for your once-beloved workhorse.

As such, it really shouldn’t matter how old the car is or whether its wheels and windows are completely broken or absent – these bits and pieces aren’t factored into its scrap value anyway. Which in turn means that if you’re told they are, you’re being misled and really should consider heading elsewhere.

It’s All in the Guarantees

All of the above is all well and good, but how is it that you can really know you’re getting the best deal? As far as we’re concerned it’s easy – don’t ever scrap with a dealer that’s not willing to offer you a full guarantee. If the deal you’re offered is genuinely the best possible and won’t be beaten elsewhere, why can’t this be backed with a guarantee? This is exactly the way we operate as we’ll always match or better any deals offered elsewhere, which is pretty much the best you can ask for in any quote from a scrap dealer.

Your scrap car may not be worth a fortune, but it’s still good to know you’re not being taken for a ride…no pun intended.