Contrary to popular belief, there are far more complicated and traumatic things in life than scrapping your car. After all, when you think of the contribution you are making to the wider UK recycling cause, it’s actually something to feel quite good about!

Still, there are certain service providers who have a tendency to over complicate things and make the process far more daunting than it needs to be. Here at Take My Scrap Car, we believe in working in the exact opposite way.

So if you come to us with your scrap car, what follows is a brief list of five things you really do not have to worry about:

  1. The paperwork

First of all, it really doesn’t matter if your car has a valid MOT certificate or has recently been serviced. In fact, none of the paperwork really matters whatsoever. As we take your car away on your behalf, it will never touch a public road on its journey.

  1. Cleanliness and condition

When you think about it, exactly what would be the point of ensuring that a car heading to the scrap yard was in any kind of clean or decent condition? Given the fact that the vehicle in question will shortly be shredded/crushed and sent off for recycling, it really doesn’t matter what kind of condition it’s in. That said, if it is currently packed with household waste and personal belongings, you might want to think about removing them before we turn up!

  1. Transportation

As already mentioned, one of the core elements of the service we provide is that of taking your vehicle away on your behalf. We use our own trucks, our own drivers and cover all costs ourselves. Which basically means that aside from getting in touch with us in the first place, there really isn’t a great deal for you to do.

  1. The costs

Take it from us when we say that if any car scrapping service you come across wants to charge you even a penny, they are taking you for a ride…no pun intended. Absolutely all costs involved in the recovery and recycling process should be picked up by the service provider and the service provider alone. With us, costs are definitely something you really don’t have to worry about.

  1. Shopping around

Last but not least, while shopping around for the best possible deal is usually a good way to go, there’s really no need when you come to us. The reason being that we are one of very few car scrapping services to guarantee the very best price paid for all scrap vehicles, in accordance with scrap values at the time. Which means that while you are free to shop around if you prefer to do so, you simply will not get a better deal than you’ll get from us.

For more information on how to scrap your car quickly, easily and responsibly, get in touch with the Take My Scrap Car customer service team today.