Here at Take My Scrap Car, we’re often asked as to where exactly the line should be drawn between a car that should be scrapped and a car that should be sold on instead. It’s a long-standing debate to say the least and one that never fails to divide the public, but as far as we’re concerned it is in fact possible to sum up the whole subject in one sentence:

If you wouldn’t be willing to drive yourself and your own family around in it, it’s unfair to allow anyone else to do so.

The thing is, there’s a big difference between selling a car because you’re upgrading and selling a car because your current vehicle is on its last legs. Likewise, there’s a difference between selling an inefficient car for the sake of trading down to a smaller model, and selling a car because you get the feeling it’s slowly poisoning you to death. There may have been a time when to buy a used car was to pretty much expect and wholly accept that you may have been buying a death trap, as the old ‘sold and seen’ and ‘no refunds’ mantras were pretty much the orders of the day.   sell-it-or-scrap-it–what-should-you-do-with-your-car

These days however things couldn’t be more different and when you make the decision to sell on a car, you better know in your heart of hearts that it has something positive to offer. The reason being that if you lie to the person you’re selling to, you’ll be found out and end up in a world of trouble. If the car puts anyone’s health or life in danger, it could be YOU that ends up before the courts having failed to disclose the whole truth. And even if things don’t go this far, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself having trouble sleeping properly at night knowing that some other family is flying around in a car you yourself would rather stay 100 metres from at all times…shame on you.

So, unless you know you’re handing over an asset of value, selling really is not the way to go – it’s time to be realistic and think about getting it scrapped. The good news however is that if you come to us to get the job done on your behalf, not only will you find the whole process a breeze but you won’t have to pay a penny for a single part of the service package. Better still, we’ll make sure you get a reward for bringing your car to us and doing the right thing, which means you won’t be going away empty handed.

We’re not the types to preach and we’re all in favour of free decision making, but there’s simply no escaping the fact that if you allow a car you know is unsafe to continue being driven on UK roads, you play a huge role in the consequences that follow.

Scrapping may not be the ideal choice, but it’s often the only fair choice you have!