These days, the allure of scrap metal is stronger and more widespread than ever before – don’t even think that the old rust-bucket you have in the yard isn’t worth anything to anyone! There are always services like ours out there offering fair and decent payments for old scrap cars, but where there’s money to be made from anything, there will always be those trying to make off with it without permission.

Scrap metal being no exception to the rule!

There’s nothing like hearing a nice uplifting story about one of the country’s true criminal dumbos getting their just desserts in a rather humiliating fashion. That’s why we were delighted to pick up a story earlier this week involving one Allan Thomson, who decided to breach the security fence of a closed down hospital in order to load up with metal to then be sold on…all illegally of course.    dopey-scrap-metal-thief-caught-after-getting-stuck-in-mud

He broke in, drove his van through the gates and he began doing his rounds – all was going just as planned. Unfortunately, the hapless chap hadn’t bothered to take note of the fact that there was thick mud all over the place in which his van ultimately got stuck…and stuck fast at that. With no other option available to him, he was forced to call in the help of a local recovery service. Sadly for him, the police got wind of where he was and decided to have a little chat with him. He tried to convince them that he’d simply pulled into the yard to have a nap, but his story was scrapped in a big way the moment the police found a bunch of radiators in his van – all stolen from the premises.

So the case went to court and he could have very well gone to jail for theft and trespassing. However, it appears they may have taken a little pity on the misguided fellow, who summarily found out after being charged £120 to pull his van out of the mud that each of the radiators would have fetched no more than a fiver at best. As a courtesy to his wife and his disabled son, he was spared a prison sentence and instead given 240 hours unpaid work.

Responsible Recycling

It’s a pretty silly story on the whole, but it’s worth remembering that where there’s money to be made, some folk will do all they can to make it the easy way. Here at Take My Scrap Car, we prefer a slightly more hard-fought approach to the way we run our business which means a fair price for your old car and the most responsible recycling in the UK. Even in the industry itself you’ll find a fair few players that aren’t playing by the rules – it’s worth having your wits about you when choosing who to trust with your scrap car.

If you’re looking to get rid of any old car in the fastest, easiest and most rewarding way possible, Take My Scrap Car is here to make it happen.