So you may remember that some time ago one Mr Boris Johnson outlined a proposal whereby members of the public driving ‘dirty’ diesel cars could claim something of a cash bonus or incentive were they to scrap them in and buy a cleaner petrol car. The fact that they’d of course have to come up with several thousand pounds in addition to the Boris-bonus was all by the by, but the man himself at least thought it would be a good car scrapping initiative to help clean up the UK.

However, things have taken a rather pivotal step forward this month as the Supreme Court got involved in the matter, pretty much ordering the government of the UK to fight growing air pollution. Unsurprisingly, the finger of blame has once again gone the way of the diesel car which some are now suggesting may eventually find itself all-but banned from city centre driving altogether. Incentives to get folk to buy cleaner cars are one thing, but when you start charging people a fortune to drive the cars they already have…well, let’s just say you have yourself a much stronger motivator!  the-beginning-of-the-end-for-diesel-cars-in-uk-cities

The long and short of it is that the UK has until the last day of the year to show the European Commission its shiny new plans for a greener Britain, meaning there’s really not long left to decide what to do. From what’s been heard so far, one of the most likely changes could be the introduction of much higher taxes for those driving diesel cars, who may also be forced to pay additional charges for entering busy urban centres. And while it may only be something of an outline proposal for the time being, there are those who firmly believe it represents the beginning of the end for diesel cars across the board in UK towns and cities.

All of which to be frank makes little to no sense, as there are tens of thousands of new-generation diesel cars on the roads right now that are way cleaner than hundreds of thousands of old petrol cars. Pointing an accusatory finger at diesel cars in general seems a little heavy handed on the whole, even if it’s all for the greater good…or at least, that’s the intent. Still, the way things are going it could become so much harder and more expensive to own and run a diesel car, it just might not be worth bothering at all!

Regardless of the type of car you’re running, when the time comes to take it off the road and make sure it’s dealt with responsibly, Take My Scrap Car has you covered. We’ve been serving the good people of Norfolk for long enough to know what matters to our customers – comprehensive service, a fair price paid for all scrap cars and a free collection service that runs around the clock.

We’d be delighted to tell you more about the services we offer – fill out the online form today, or give us a call for a chat.