Here at Take My Scrap Car, we’re often asked what all the fuss is about when it comes to choosing a car recycling service. After all, they all claim to take your car upon request and get rid of it, so why does it matter who you go to?

Well, more often than not the key motivators for consumers are time, money and effort – all of which you’d prefer not to waste any of. But at the same time, it’s worth remembering that there’s also a pretty important element/side to the recycling process – that being the actual recycling itself.   the-rules-of-recycling–doing-what-is-right-with-your-scrap-car

After all, it’s one thing to get your car off your hands and to get a decent price for it, but shouldn’t you be doing what’s right for the environment at the same time?

Of course you should, which is why it pays to know just what’s what when it comes to the way your scrap car is handled.

Strict EU Regulations

The thing is, the UK isn’t just bound by a bunch of weird and wonderful rules cooked up by our own government. Well, actually it is, but at the same time there are tons of additional rules and regulations slapped on what we do and how we do it by the EU. It’s the EU’s rules that have led to call to pretty much ban diesel cars from the roads and it’s EU standards that dictate what happens to every car that’s taken off the roads and sent off for processing.

Suffice to say, they’re rules that are as demanding and intricate as they are abundant.

Now, there’s really no need to go into the finer details of every specific point, though suffice to say that when it comes to car recycling, the EU doesn’t want to see a shred go to waste…and nor will they allow it to happen. If you’re not playing by the EU’s rules, you’re technically breaking the law and have no business being in business.

Not that it’s necessarily easy to stick to the rules, but we have no choice…that’s the way the world works!

Waste Nothing!

The long and short of it is that the EU doesn’t want to see anything go to waste, which is why car recycling companies in business today have their work cut out to say the least. From the car’s metalling shell to the glass from the windows and every other little bit and piece in-between, it’s no longer just a case of taking the good stuff and leaving the rest to rot. It’s a long, hard and pain-staking process that some can’t do and others can’t be bothered to do – these are the types doing the country as a whole a disservice!

Take My Scrap Car always has and always will work in line with every rule and regulation in the book to ensure a great service not only to our customers, but for the country’s recycling efforts as a whole.

It’s a worthy cause…trust us on that!