For anyone in the Norfolk area looking to scrap a car for cash, there have never been more readily-available options. A quick search online and you’ll be presented with dozens, maybe even hundreds of firms all fighting tooth and nail for your business. And what’s more, they’ll all be in the habit of telling you everything you want to hear to sway you in their general direction.

But here’s the thing – there’s a big difference between the total service package we offer here at Take My Scrap Car and that you’ll find at a fair few others. It might not always be obvious on the surface, but there are more than a few loopholes and sneaky tricks to watch out for that could see you coming out of the deal worse off.      thinking-of-scrapping-your-car-beware-these-loopholes

Nothing for Something

For example, there are some that will happily take your car off your hands no questions asked, but at the same time won’t give you a penny for it. In fact, there are some that go so far as to suggest that any business offering to pay cash for scrap cars is inherently a dodgy dealer. But here’s the thing – there’s value in your old car and it’s going to make the dealer some money, so why on Earth should you yourself not get at least a cut of the action? Some think it’s just fine to offer clients nothing at all for something valuable – we disagree.

Pricey Pickups

Some of the biggest car scrapping chains in the UK make the promise that they’ll buy any car at all and may in some cases offer a token cash gesture. However, in many cases they don’t offer any help in getting the car to the yard in the first place, which can be problematic if the car has seen better days. You can’t realistically drive it and to have it towed might cost you more than the cash you’ll be given for the car. Fair? Not at all – scrap a car for cash with us and pickup is 100% free of charge, no matter where you are.

Full Working Order

Something else to be aware of is the way in which some sites and services say ‘we buy any car’ and yet this only applies to cars that are transported to the lot under their own steam and undergo a full inspection by the resident mechanic. So while they say they buy any car, there’s a pretty strong chance they aren’t going to take a clapped out rust bucket that hasn’t been road-worthy since the 1980s. When we say we’ll take any scrap cars for cash though, we mean exactly that.

Sensible Scrapping

Last but not least, there’s a difference between scrapping your car and having it recycled properly. In some instances your car may be stripped of its valuable bits and pieces in order for the rest to be tossed on a pile to rot for all eternity…that’s not the way we do business here. We follow strict EU guidelines which insist that every last shred of your car that can be recycled is – come to us for a responsible result.