Here at Take My Scrap Car, we’re all about sharing the most interesting and entertaining facts and figures with our readers – it’s not all about us, after all! You’d be surprised what’s going on right now across the UK’s scrapping and recycling industries, which for most seem to exist in a bit of a mysterious and closed-off world. It’s not often you come across a scrap car in the flesh and nor does you ever get much of a look at what happens behind the scenes. As such, it might come as a bit of a surprise to learn that in the UK alone, we’re now as a country scrapping no less than one million cars each year!

That’s one million cars…scrapped…in a single year!

On the surface it sounds way too many to be true, but when you consider that 2014 was also a record-breaking year for car sales, it all starts to make sense. We may be nothing more than a tiny little island floating in the North Sea, but we still managed to buy up a total of 2.4 million cars last year alone. Quite remarkable when you think about how many people are doing their utmost to be frugal right now – that’s 2.4 million car sales in the UK during 2014.     the-uk-now-scraps-a-million-vehicles-a-year

Where Do They Go?

If you were to put a million scrap cars end to end, they’d stretch from Sheffield to…well, let’s just say they’d stretch a long way! Which begs the pretty obvious question given all of the above as to where on earth all these cars actually go when they’ve crapped-out on their owners and have no life left to give.

How come the streets aren’t littered with old and slowly rotting cars?

The simple answer is that it comes down to us – not us alone of course, but the UK’s network of car scrapping and recycling agents. What we do is keep an active lookout for any cars that are genuinely ready to be put out to pasture, so to speak, in order to make sure that they’re processed and recycled in the best way possible. It’s not as if you can just throw a car into a big machine and have it all processed and sorted automatically – we have to separate everything that can be recycled from everything that can’t and get it over to the recycling plant. Unsurprisingly, it takes quite a lot of time to pull a car to pieces and make sure nothing’s overlooked, which is exactly why folk bring their cars to us – it’s hardly a job you’d enjoy spending the weekend tackling by hand.

The simple fact of the matter is that old, rundown and generally dangerous cars no longer have any place on the UK’s roads – for the sake of you and everyone else. So, if you’re among this year’s million motorists that plan to get your car off the road and put back into good use one way or another, give Take My Scrap Car a call and see what we can do for you!