When the time comes to finally rid yourself of a clapped-out car that’s been cramping your style for some time, you essentially have only two choices. You can scrap it, or you can try your luck selling it. But that’s of course assuming that there’s any life left in it whatsoever – if it’s genuinely as much use as a bag of broken spanners, scrapping really is the only way to go.

Contrary to popular belief however, ensuring that your scrap car is processed and recycled efficiently and effectively isn’t quite as easy as choosing the first dealer you come across. The simple fact of the matter is that there is plenty of money to be made in car scrapping and scrap materials in general these days, meaning not everyone out there is willing to play by the rules.

Nevertheless, from the perspective of both the consumer and those involved in the industry, effective car recycling really is in everyone’s best interests.   why-effective-car-recycling-is-in-everyone-best-interests

Surprising Numbers

To put the whole subject into some kind of perspective, it’s worth considering that in a single year alone, up to one million cars are taken off the roads permanently in the United Kingdom. That makes tens of thousands of cars every single month, retired from use and never to be driven again. Needless to say, Britain isn’t exactly blessed with the kind of abundant free space that could be used to simply stack, store and stockpile millions of vehicles for all eternity – nor are we blessed with infinite materials and resources.

When a vehicle is recycled in accordance with strict EU standards, up to 80% of all the metal it contains can be recycled and put back into use. And given the fact that recycled metal can be both stronger and cheaper than first-run metal, it simply makes sense to make full use of this incredibly valuable and readily available resource.

Rogue Traders

Unfortunately, there will always be those who are less interested in the greater good and more interested in lining their own pockets. There are various ways and means by which scrap cars can be turned into fast cash, though in the vast majority of instances, such processes and practices don’t exactly satisfy UK law and legislation.

As such, to knowingly allow your car to be taken away and utilised by those with only their own interests in mind isn’t exactly what you’d call the most responsible of decisions. And not only this, but there’s every chance you may find yourself both out of pocket and staring down the barrel of a rather nasty DVLA penalty for not getting things done properly.

Everybody Wins!

Here at Take My Scrap Car, we work hard to offer a service package where quite literally everybody wins. For our customers, it’s a case of total convenience with us handling every part of the collection and removal process, while at the same time paying the best possible price for every scrap car we take. And as we have enormous regard for both the environment and playing by the book, every car we take is recycled strictly in accordance with all national and international rules, regulations and standards.

A genuinely rewarding scrap car package with peace of mind as standard – get in touch with the Take My Scrap Car team for more information today by either giving us a call or filling in our online customer form.