Here at Take My Scrap Car, we understand that the idea of car scrapping and recycling is not one that’s approached lightly by the good people of the UK. When it comes to something as large, valuable and important as a car, it’s not quite the same as just tossing out some random piece of garbage and not thinking twice about it. In fact it’s actually quite the contrary, which is why it is fairly common for those with scrap cars to get rid of to procrastinate quite extensively and delay the inevitable for as long as possible.

If you ask us however, there’s really no better time of year to think very carefully about the benefits of car scrapping than the summer. After all, it’s not as if the dark winter months breed motivation at the best of times, so why not use the brief period of respite Brits are blessed with to do something positive?     summer-car-scrapping

Here’s why we think summer is the absolutely perfect time to scrap in that old car and consider an upgrade:

1 – Stay Cooler

First up, just imagine the bliss of never having to spend another journey sweating half to death and feeling as if you’re more likely to melt than make it to your destination. There comes a time in the life of every old car when they’re about as comfortable to drive temperature-wise as a red hot poker. Which is to say, not very comfortable at all.

2 – Less Chance of Breakdowns

Next up, summer is also the time of year when old car breakdowns are rife to say the least. There’s nothing that can put a crimp in your day quite like a car that succumbs to the heat at the worst possible time and leaves you completely stranded in the middle of nowhere. This again is an eventual inevitability when it comes to older cars, so why not make now the time to consider an upgrade and protect yourself against breakdows?

3 – Longer Journeys

If the idea of making long journeys in your current car has you trembling with fear or making excuses, it’s worth asking yourself why you’re bothering with it. Summer is a fantastic time for hitting the road in a car you can rely on, so why not do yourself and the family a favour by upgrading?

4 – Happier Kids

Keeping the kids happy on summer journeys is never easy – especially if the car you’re driving happens to be cramped, uncomfortable and borderline clapped-out. A newer car in better condition may be a hefty investment, but it’s a small price to pay for tantrum-aversion, right?

5 – Save Money

Last up, sure, it’s cheaper in the immediate moment not to bother upgrading, but when you add up things like poor fuel economy and on-going repair bills, chances are you’d be far better off upgrading for the long-term. And what’s more, used car prices have never been lower and inventory never higher, so stepping up to something far superior need not be as painful as you might expect.