Lisa Morton

/Lisa Morton

About Lisa Morton

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So far has created 471 blog entries.

The Five Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in the UK

Every motorist views car accidents in the same way. It’s the classic case of “it will never happen to me” – until it does. At best, you could end up having to scrapand recycleyour car. However, you could find yourself in hospital…or worse.

Experts agree that awareness is the single most important contributor to safer driving […]

By |March 15th, 2020|0 Comments

Putting the Brakes on Road Rage this Winter

Road rage has no place on the roads at any time of year. It’s just that during the winter, the dark days and cold nights take an even bigger toll. The worse the driving conditions become, the more likely we are to succumb to anger and hostility behind the wheel.

If you’ve experienced road rage in […]

By |March 5th, 2020|0 Comments

Five Belated Resolutions to Make for Your Car in 2020

Who’s to say resolutions for the new year can’t be made a little later? Not to mention, be both achievable and of real significance?

Alongside healthy eating, hitting the gym and so on, why not make a few resolutions involving your car for 2020?

Here are just a few things you could do to make 2020 a […]

By |February 26th, 2020|0 Comments

How to Tell the DVLA You’ve Scrapped a Car

Contrary to popular belief, the DVLA isn’t actually out to get you. It’s just that if you don’t follow their rules, they won’t hesitate to slap you with a fine. This also applies when you finally scrap and recycle your old car, which is something you need to tell the DVLA about. 

Of course, it’s not […]

By |February 17th, 2020|0 Comments

Are Petrol and Diesel Cars Headed for a Ban in the UK?

Slowly but surely, the UK is moving towards a future dominated by hybrids and EVs on the roads. As the technology becomes more affordable and the capabilities of electric vehicles improve, it’s now easy to see a future where greener cars are the norm. 

In addition, the government is becoming increasingly vocal on the benefits and […]

By |February 13th, 2020|0 Comments

Why Does My Car Battery Keep Dying?

Nothing puts a downer on any typical day quite like a flat battery. You expect your car to perform faithfully as it always does, you turn the key and…nothing.  Immediately, every single plan you had for the foreseeable future goes out of the window. 

Even if you’re savvy enough to carry a portable jump-starting device, you’re […]

By |February 7th, 2020|0 Comments

Making Sense of Electric Scooter Law in the UK

Electric scooter law has become a topic of widespread confusion as of late.  Ever since the tragic death of TV presenter Emily Hartridge, people have been questioning the safety and legality of electric scooters.

Despite the fact that electric scooter law is a mystery to most, these innovative devices are growing in popularity. In addition, there […]

By |February 7th, 2020|0 Comments

Engine Light On: Do I Need to Scrap My Car?

There’s little more disconcerting than an engine light that illuminates out of nowhere at the worst possible time. It’s the kind of thing that happens in the middle of a super long and challenging journey in less than ideal weather. Or perhaps, in the runup to an important trip where you simply cannot run the […]

By |January 26th, 2020|0 Comments

London’s Car Scrappage Scheme Expanded to Tackle Air Pollution

A major car scrappage scheme aimed at reducing air pollution levels in London is to be extended. Pledging an additional £25 million to the cause, the Mayor of London confirmed the extension of the scrappage scheme worth up to £2,000. 

Drivers of older and less environmentally-friendly cars are being offered up to £2,000 to trade up […]

By |January 13th, 2020|0 Comments

Scottish Car Scrapping Scheme Could Include Electric Bikes

Ambitious proposals to reduce the number of polluting cars on UK roads are nothing new. In fact, car scrappage schemes have become the norm for most major car brands. Likewise, local and national government offices have been rolling out their own initiatives to tackle carbon emissions. 

One of the first scrappage schemes introduced offered drivers a […]

By |January 7th, 2020|0 Comments